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Wet or Dry Brine Turkey?

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    Wet or Dry Brine Turkey?

    Ok, so I'm planning on doing a Turkey on the PBC this Thanksgiving. What is the best way to brine, wet or dry? BTW, I've never done this before so please also include tips and suggestions. Thanks!!!

    SRA this question is answered here.
    Last edited by David Parrish; November 22, 2014, 01:15 PM. Reason: Gross Buffoonery


      SRA, there are several topics on smoking turkeys on the PBC in the PBC forum. Here are some that I found (just click on the links below):

      Turkey on the PBC.

      Thanksgiving Turkey on the PBC

      PBC Turkey 2

      Spatchcock Turkey on PBC


      Turkey on the PBC?

      Take a look through these and you should be good to go. Happy cooking!



        Thanks Kathryn!

        I've read most of those already and have gotten some great ideas, HOWEVER, people usually just say "I brined the turkey." They don't always say if they brined it WET or brined it DRY. I thought maybe I could ask the SPECIFIC question about brining so that not only I but OTHERS could get educated on the two types of brining and if one is recommended over the other in the case of utilizing the PBC.


        • fzxdoc
          fzxdoc commented
          Editing a comment
          You're welcome. I was thinking since you asked for other tips as well, I'd point you in the right direction with those links.

          I dry-brine my chickens and turkey because Meathead says so! In his Ultimate Turkey topic he said he used to be a fan of wet brining but now thinks dry brining is best, regardless of how the turkey is cooked.

          I noticed that he sprinkles the skin with salt and says it passes through the skin to the meat. I've been dry-brining by rubbing the salt (or salted rub) directly on the meat under the skin then lightly sprinkling the skin as well. Then I leave the bird(s) uncovered in the fridge overnight. FWIW that method has worked nicely for me, although I'm still chasing the holy grail of extra crispy skin on some of my chicken cooks.

          Have fun with your turkey cook!


        It's good both ways, I usually just dry brine it because I find wet brining uses a lot of spices up


          As everyone is alluding to or directly stating via Meathead et al, generally speaking here brining means dry brining.

          I personally still like to wet brine salmon, and cut chicken pieces & pork chops periodically. But I never would a whole chicken much less a turkey. Hassle, waste of tons of salt in the water you dump out, etc.


            Thanks. I'll give it a shot and let you know how it turns out. This Thanksgiving I'm going over to a friends house and we're cooking 2 turkeys. One the traditional way in the oven and one on the PBC. It's going to be a head to head competition!


              Originally posted by SRA View Post
              Thanks. I'll give it a shot and let you know how it turns out. This Thanksgiving I'm going over to a friends house and we're cooking 2 turkeys. One the traditional way in the oven and one on the PBC. It's going to be a head to head competition!
              Sounds awesome! That's such a good way to see the differences with a side by side test.



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