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Beef Back Ribs on the PBC

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    Beef Back Ribs on the PBC

    I cooked up a couple of racks on the PBC today. The temperature was 39 degrees when I started with a 25 -30 mph NW wind. I lit it up as The Pit Boss suggested in the sticky. It spiked at 340 and held a constant 280's. I just turned the bottom opening opposite of the wind and propped a board to block some wind. The PBC just does what it usually does. Those ribs were some fine eating.

    Rubbed and ready to go. I used a combo of three rubs actually, Saltgrass 7 spice steak rub, PBC beef and game, and Smoking Guns. Just a light pass with each, but ended with a good coating of the combo. They raved over the seasoning and wanted them dry.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	32482

    Fresh out the cooker for a short rest.

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ID:	32481

    Plated up and ready to go.

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Views:	171
Size:	233.2 KB
ID:	32480

    I surely hope I can run across these again soon, hard to find them here. They were tender and moist. Thanks for looking.

    Very Nice! Your cook helps give confidence to some users in colder climates... I am glad it work so well for you.
    And...they look GREAT!


      Thanks Smarkley


        Righteously done!! Most folks believe that the PBC was made for chicken but I'm starting to believe that it was made for beef ribs.


          Wow, Deuce, they look awesome! How long did you cook them for? What was your trigger for taking them off? I've only done back ribs once and they were ok, but nothing to write home about (which, I guess, is why I've only done them once). I've been looking for an excuse to do them again...


            Originally posted by supergas6 View Post
            Wow, Deuce, they look awesome! How long did you cook them for? What was your trigger fortaking them off?.
            They took 2 1/2 hours to get tender. Personally I do the probe test, it's never failed me. I checked them after two hours and they still had resistance between the bones. Thirty minutes later and the probe went through like going through butter. I cook to temps on all my meats, but I probe test them all for tenderness. No two cuts are the same.


              Good show! Looks fantastic!


                I'm a fan of beef ribs, big times. Yours look great, and plentiful! I'm thinking it's about that time again for me...



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