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Just unwrapped my PBC. Any hints or pointers?

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    Just unwrapped my PBC. Any hints or pointers?

    I'm doing my first cook right now after doing a dry run earlier today. Can't wait to tryout the ribs.

    If the ribs are pretty long I would lower the charcoal level on one side down a bit, and hang the ribs over that side.

    Go to where I move this thread and there is a TON of information thanks to Kathryn et al.


      Sounds great! Thanks.


        Yeah, watch Noah's instructional videos on YouTube (or on the PBC website).

        The PBC isn't designed to work quite the same way as other pits or cookers so you'll do really well to follow his instructions closely and take tips from members here who have used theirs a lot.

        I've written him a few times and he always comes back with advice to use the cooker as designed.
        Last edited by Beefchop; November 14, 2014, 07:29 PM.


          Yeah, like Beefchop says, watch those vids first, follow their instructions. If your results don't quite jibe, as sometimes happens, though usually not, this forum is a great resource for help, tips and techniques from fellow and experienced PBC lovers. Speaking of love...Love your avatar Spinaker! Eddie Lives! lol
          Last edited by Steve Navarre; November 14, 2014, 08:10 PM.


            Welcome to The Pit Spinaker! Sounds like you've gotten great advice so far.

            Here's some 'new member' homework for you:

            Head over to the Introduce Yourself channel and give us a little bio- whatever you'd like to share whether a lot or a little.
            Then, when you get a minute check out Pit Boss' Welcome & Announcements channel, as well as the tips posts in that channel. These will help you learn your way around The Pit, as well as set up your signature (tip #1) with your equipment. There's also a post that explains the best way to post nice big pics here... we like to see bragging pictures of your equipment and your cooks. We look forward to hearing more from you! Enjoy


              Use the videos and make sure you use a good digital thermometer to measure pit temps and meat temps (one exception - meat temps not necessary for ribs).

              This will help you understand how your PBC is working and will help you figure out if you're doing things right. The two biggest mistakes of a new cook are not getting the charcoal hot enough at the beginning of the cook before you close the lid and not getting a good seal on the lid when you close it. Either of these mistakes will throw off your temps and negatively impact your results.

              Good luck and keep us posted!


                Originally posted by Spinaker View Post
                I'm doing my first cook right now after doing a dry run earlier today. Can't wait to tryout the ribs.
                How is it going cousin Eddy. The ribs will be good.



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