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Ash can for Pit Barrel

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    Ash can for Pit Barrel

    Ok, one of the downsides, maybe the only downside, of the PBC is getting the old ashes out after a cook. I've heard of people lining the bottom with foil but I have seem SOMEWHERE a person who posted pictures of a galvanized trash can that they picked up from the local hardware store that they just place the coal basket in. The problem is that I can't find to save my life. Has anyone else seen it? Has any one else come up with an idea or tried something else out that they'd like to share? Thanks!

    I dump mine in a trash can that we already have in the area... my plan if I am worried about hot/warm coals is to dump it in my wheel barrel


      HD Foil works great for me, I use sheets. Fold ash in and done.


        I "acquired" a metal (aluminum?) serving dish from the kitchen which was just the right fit for the bottom of the cooker. Its sides are about an inch tall but angled out about 45 degrees. Just enough space to not inhibit air flow. Works perfect. Just reach in, pick it up and dump. Super easy and less flimsy than foil.


        • Ernest
          Ernest commented
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          I like that. Do you have a picture? I might need to visit a restaurant supply store.

        • PBCJim
          PBCJim commented
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          E - don't have one with me, but picture an upside-down frisbee with straight edges. Hope that makes sense.

        • smarkley
          smarkley commented
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          heh heh... I do that all the time > "acquired" = Liberated!

        Here you go, SRA: Ash Can from Ace Hardware It looks like the perfect solution for storing unspent coal from the PBC as well as ash. As you say, the PBC coal basket fits neatly in that can.




        • Ernest
          Ernest commented
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          Can't cook with charcoal basket in that can now can you?

        Originally posted by fzxdoc View Post
        Here you go, SRA: Ash Can from Ace Hardware It looks like the perfect solution for storing unspent coal from the PBC as well as ash. As you say, the PBC coal basket fits neatly in that can.



        Kathryn! That's the one! You found it! Thank You. Ok, not exactly as I remembered it. I was hoping that the coal basket could sit in the ash can in the PBC during the cook. Then, after the cook, I could just retrieve the basket from the can and dump the can. Hmmmmm....still a great idea but not exactly what I was hoping for.


        • PBCJim
          PBCJim commented
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          Fizziks - made me laugh, can picture the neighbor lifting you out by the ankles!

        • Ernest
          Ernest commented
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          HAHAHA Kathryn on CNN trying to clean a PBC!

        • Curtis Ellzey
          Curtis Ellzey commented
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          SRA, here's my original post on this thread (you'll need to scroll down to see it):

          I got mine at Ace Hardware. It's a 10 gallon steel bucket (get the lid too!) made by Behren's, so if you don't have an Ace, Lowes or Home Depot that carries it near you, you can probably find it on Amazon.

          Mine has worked great for me every time so far! I won't re-hash the stuff I wrote on the other post, but one other neat thing I noticed: after the coals have cooled (I usually do this the next day, or the morning of my next cook), I put on a pair of disposable nitrile gloves (I use these for food prep and PBC clean-up too...WAY less messy hands!), and sift through the coals while the basket is still in the bucket. The coals that have broken up or turned to ash tend to fall through the holes in the grate, into the bottom of the bucket. Then I take the coals that haven't burnt or are still mostly usable and put them in a separate paper bag for re-use later. The ash at the bottom of the steel bucket I just dump into a medium kitchen trash bag and then through into the large curb-side trash can we have. Done!

          Works great, saves money on charcoal, and because I can transfer the still hot coals to the bucket right after my cook is done, the PBC cools down FAST and I can throw the cover on it to protect it from rain or snow.

        Got mine from Home Depot. Here at a mile high the vent is already mostly open so I just sweep the ashes out with a fireplace tool.


          I just bought this pizza pan, I'll use it under the basket. Save me some foil money


          • BruceB
            BruceB commented
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            yup, that will work. I seem to have acquired a pile of those (my wife buys in bulk, it seems), and I'm going to put wire lifting lines on it as Jerod did on his ash plate. The rim helps a bit to keep the ash contained while lifting it out.

          • Ernest
            Ernest commented
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            I just realized that I didn't measure the diameter of the charcoal basket before placing the order. LOL! Got the 12 inch plate

          • PBCJim
            PBCJim commented
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            E-that's what I'm talking about! That's very similar to what I have going. So much easier than wrestling the cooker and getting the ash out of the vent.

          What diameter should we be looking for? I know, I know, I should take my lazy butt outside and measure for myself but its late, dark and raining outside right now.


          • Ernest
            Ernest commented
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            LOL! I have a 14 inch Lodge cast iron pizza pan (with handles) that does not fit in the PBC so I went with the 12 inch sheet. That was my logic when ordering.

          Bought a ten-gallon metal trash can at the local hardware store. Cost $10 or so. Works great. Just pick up the PBC and dump the ashes in. When the can is half-way filled, it is time to empty it into a trash bag, because it gets pretty heavy!


            Pizza pan is the way to go. I thumped the lip a few times with a hammer to lower it a little as I had a concern about airflow. I rotate the flattened part to the vent, but I'm sure that's just superstition rather than anything scientific. Cleaning now is just lift out the basket, lift out the pan.


              I picked up a cheap 12 inch pizza pan at the local store. It's a little smaller than the basket. FYI basket measures just under 14", like 13 3/4's.


                My pizza pan was too small, basket is 14 inchs. So I went to a local restaurant supply store and got a 14 inch pan with sides slightly raised. Fits perfectly. Has a gap between the basket and the pan.

                Last edited by Ernest; October 17, 2014, 06:28 PM.


                • Curtis Ellzey
                  Curtis Ellzey commented
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                  Wouldn't that interfere with the proper airflow that the PBC is designed for?

                • Ernest
                  Ernest commented
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                  I've cooked with it 3 times. Nothing has changed

                Did you get the model # of that pan? It looks like AMMCAR14 that sells for $7.55 on their website. Unfortunately there aren't any Acemart's in my area.
                Last edited by SRA; October 19, 2014, 10:10 AM.


                  SRA, that's the model number, it is perfect!!!



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