Howdy good folks. (BTW, I LOVE this forum and the AmazingRibs website). Anyway. I've had my PBC for 2 months now and I've done about 5 cooks with it - ribs (spares/beef), links, veggies, and chicken. I love my PBC, without question. But I can't get that nice blue smoke with my PBC like I do with my COS. The PBC is not billowing white smoke like a forest fire. Just a soft, steady amount white smoke. I'm just not getting the same smoke flavor on my ribs like I do with my COS. I'm using the same apple or cherry wood splits that I've always used (just one split in the PBC). I know the PBC is not a smoker. And for poultry I find it absolutely perfect. But for my ribs in terms of smoke flavor, well... Any suggestions or insights would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I keep my wood refrigerated - manufacturer's (Fruita Wood) suggestion.
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Anyone getting nice blue smoke with their PBC?
I don't use any wood in mine. Ribs, and well, everything else are outstanding, mainly due to an awesome BBQ flavor. I find the BBQ flavor definitely overrides any smoke flavor I have tried to impart with wood.
I don't expect a blue smoke when I have meat above the coals dripping onto them.
I've gotten it plenty with just charcoal and/or wood in my offset.
I put out some good smoked meats in my COS, but it ain't no match for what my PBC puts out.
Welcome and thanks for the support!!!!
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We like lots of good smoke flavor as well. The big hunks of hickory do a great job of adding the smoke flavor to ribs, chicken, tri-tip, etc. We opened a half chicken we cooked several weeks ago after it thawed. OMG, the aroma emanatiing was awesome. Basically, I don't know anything. I just cook on my PBC... 8-)
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