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Anyone getting nice blue smoke with their PBC?

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    Anyone getting nice blue smoke with their PBC?

    Howdy good folks. (BTW, I LOVE this forum and the AmazingRibs website). Anyway. I've had my PBC for 2 months now and I've done about 5 cooks with it - ribs (spares/beef), links, veggies, and chicken. I love my PBC, without question. But I can't get that nice blue smoke with my PBC like I do with my COS. The PBC is not billowing white smoke like a forest fire. Just a soft, steady amount white smoke. I'm just not getting the same smoke flavor on my ribs like I do with my COS. I'm using the same apple or cherry wood splits that I've always used (just one split in the PBC). I know the PBC is not a smoker. And for poultry I find it absolutely perfect. But for my ribs in terms of smoke flavor, well... Any suggestions or insights would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I keep my wood refrigerated - manufacturer's (Fruita Wood) suggestion.
    Last edited by kbooker; October 7, 2014, 01:15 PM.

    I don't use any wood in mine. Ribs, and well, everything else are outstanding, mainly due to an awesome BBQ flavor. I find the BBQ flavor definitely overrides any smoke flavor I have tried to impart with wood.

    I don't expect a blue smoke when I have meat above the coals dripping onto them.

    I've gotten it plenty with just charcoal and/or wood in my offset.

    I put out some good smoked meats in my COS, but it ain't no match for what my PBC puts out.

    Welcome and thanks for the support!!!!


      We like lots of good smoke flavor as well. The big hunks of hickory do a great job of adding the smoke flavor to ribs, chicken, tri-tip, etc. We opened a half chicken we cooked several weeks ago after it thawed. OMG, the aroma emanatiing was awesome. Basically, I don't know anything. I just cook on my PBC... 8-)


        I don't use wood in PBC anymore.
        Maybe try to burry the wood chunks or try mixing briquettes and lump charcoal. I get plenty soft smoke and that seems enough for me.


          Thanks so much, guys. I'm gonna try what Ernest and ATLPBC suggested. 1) I'm gonna try hickory wood and 2) I'll try mixing the wood in my briquettes. I also just got some Mojobricks that I ordered. Gonna try them, too. I'll report back. I appreciate all the help!


            Yep bury the wood chunks if you use em


              Throw a chicken on when doing the ribs. The chicken drippings on the coals give the ribs a smokier flavor. I wont cook ribs without the chicken anymore!


              • BruceB
                BruceB commented
                Editing a comment
                I'm with this. Always throw a couple of chicken halves in with just about anything.

              • fzxdoc
                fzxdoc commented
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                Ditto that. If there's room.


              Hickory etc sure works for me... especially if I am hanging stuff on one rod... I randomly distribute the wood chunks in the basket.... perhaps the ones that are not under the meat are providing "quality" smoke.



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