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PBC chicken

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    PBC chicken

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm trying my hand at a chicken tonight.

    I bought a nice and juicy looking organic 5 lb bird ( my wife made me get organic, I'm the victim here ), cut it in half just like the PBC video, and rubbed it liberally with the All Purpose Pit Rub.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Rubbed chicken.jpg
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ID:	20620

    I then started up the PBC for round two of cooking.

    I hung the thermometer from the re-bar so it draped down in the middle as suggested by FZXDOC ( thanks ! ). I did this instead of attaching it close to the rebar like in my previous posting.

    I closed the lid up and noticed that the temperature immediately shot up to 436 f and stayed there for a few minutes. I then pushed really hard on the top lid to try and get a really good seal, just like PITBOSS suggested ( thanks ! ). The temp almost immediately dropped to 336 f. I then grabbed a rubber mallet and tapped the lid snug, just a touch and the temp dropped to 296 f at the 15 minute mark.

    There was some smoke coming out of the rebar holes but, that was pretty much the only place it was coming out of at the 15 minute mark.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	smoke from rebar.jpg
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Size:	65.7 KB
ID:	20621

    It's now at the 45 minute mark and it's been pretty much solid 291 f.

    I'll post a picture of the final result.

    Don't be afraid to lift the lid a little to get it above 300 for chicken......


      Sounds like you've made some serious headway getting the temps figured out. Kudos!


        Originally posted by Jerod Broussard View Post
        Don't be afraid to lift the lid a little to get it above 300 for chicken......

        For the last half hour, I popped the lid open then set it down on top the barrel without pushing it in or anything. It went to 311 f and stayed at that exact temperature for the last 30 minutes... thanks Jerod !

        Click image for larger version

Name:	roasted chicken.jpg
Views:	210
Size:	92.4 KB
ID:	20659

        After two hours, the chicken skin was perfectly crispy. The inside was super juicy and moist. The wings had hung on their own while inside, yet they were juicy too. Getting perfect crispy skin and moist chicken meat was always a little tricky in my oven. This PBC is rockin.

        I am really liking this PBC !


          Great news! Smoked chicken is awesome! One of my favs, and the cheapest meat to buy too.


            NICE COOK! Thanks for posting the pics


              NICE, I'm inspired, I'm doing chicken this weekend now.


                Congrats on such a great chicken cook, SFBay! You've found the holy grail of chicken cooking on a smoker--crispy skin along with tender, juicy meat. I bet that was some of the best chicken you and your wife have ever eaten, am I right?

                You cooked it just like the PBC folks recommend--Amber says to crack the lid toward the end of the cook to ensure a crisper skin. I always try to keep my poultry cooks above the 300 degF mark, but my very first cook was a chicken done at about 220 degF and it was amazing as well. I took that bird to 165 internal by mistake (usually I pull it at 160), and it was still soooo juicy but the skin was not crisp. Then Dave and Jerod taught me about cracking the lid at the beginning of the cook to oomph up the temp and I've never looked back.

                You're going to love everything you make on your PBC. It's almost foolproof.




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