Just wanted to give some detailed information as for as the cook itself. I've done so many I don't really take notes anymore. Will do on this one.
One brisket was almost 20 pounds, and I trimmed off 10 pounds of fat!
I had two long ones (21" and 23.9") that I cut the top of the point off, so that I could shorten them under 18" and get the bottoms a little farther from the coals.
They will dry brine for about 12 hours at a rate of 2.13 grams of table salt per pound, or 3/8 teaspoon per pound, to the lay person.
I mutilated the fat cap on all briskets. Leaving some spots approx. 1/8" thick.
This is the big one that was almost 2 feet long.
One brisket was almost 20 pounds, and I trimmed off 10 pounds of fat!

I had two long ones (21" and 23.9") that I cut the top of the point off, so that I could shorten them under 18" and get the bottoms a little farther from the coals.
They will dry brine for about 12 hours at a rate of 2.13 grams of table salt per pound, or 3/8 teaspoon per pound, to the lay person.

I mutilated the fat cap on all briskets. Leaving some spots approx. 1/8" thick.
This is the big one that was almost 2 feet long.