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4 briskets in the PBC....Pit temp and time log. Done with pics...

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    4 briskets in the PBC....Pit temp and time log. Done with pics...

    Just wanted to give some detailed information as for as the cook itself. I've done so many I don't really take notes anymore. Will do on this one.

    One brisket was almost 20 pounds, and I trimmed off 10 pounds of fat!

    I had two long ones (21" and 23.9") that I cut the top of the point off, so that I could shorten them under 18" and get the bottoms a little farther from the coals.

    They will dry brine for about 12 hours at a rate of 2.13 grams of table salt per pound, or 3/8 teaspoon per pound, to the lay person.

    I mutilated the fat cap on all briskets. Leaving some spots approx. 1/8" thick.

    This is the big one that was almost 2 feet long.

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    Last edited by Jerod Broussard; September 6, 2014, 04:16 PM.

    Looking good so far, I have the same cutting board and maybe the same knife! Couldn't find anything other than fishing equipment for dealing with large quantities of meat.


    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      Lol I have th same Irwin clamps, as well!

    Yeh, I got two Rapala 7.5" filet knives after using the 5" and loving it. I used a Cabela's gift card for the cutting board.

    I would like a stainless steel table for these briskets.


    • jerrybell
      jerrybell commented
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      Is the clamp just to keep the board from sliding around? I have some smaller boards with rubberized corners but they are slightly bowed so only one side is non-slip. I use a slightly damp towel between the board and the counter to keep them from sliding otherwise.

    Nice use of clamps How much clearance do you think you need between the bottom of the meat and the coals in a PBC?


      Once the briskets get over 18-19" it seems to darken the bottom a bit more than I like. This allows me, to allow them, to hang longer before I have to go to the grate, since I have to double stack and rotate with 4.

      It is 21" from the bottom of the rebar to the top of the charcoal basket.

      Also keep in mind that I am using a hotter burning charcoal with that B & B. I use one layer of Kingsford on top for the start up.


        Have you ever made just one brisket?


          Yeh, a few times. People are paying/bartering for me to cook so I try to fill it up and get all the money I can off one basket of charcoal.

          Good start this morning. I forgot to charge my camera battery last night. TimeStick battery is too low to do the timer. Oh well, camera battery got charged enough and my watch will work fine.

          I got two temp probes (locations "painted in"). 72 degrees outside with 97-98% humidity.
          20 minutes into the cook, the dude in the middle is reading 257, the gal on the side 266. 20 minute preheat (lighter fluid method) with B & B almost to the top, layer of Kingsford to top it off. Peaked maybe around 290, B & B does not peak a whole lot higher than what it will settle down at.

          I have two points cut off, they are the two bottom right, not on the same piece of rebar.

          ***Wanted to clarify that neither of my pipes, nor the lid are cracked for extra air flow and temp. 4.5 to 5 hours in that should be required due to the stalling and subsequent high latent heat of vaporization of water, or sooner if the briskets start dripping plenty. If you can start off with a pretty hot temp it will delay the stall.

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          Last edited by Jerod Broussard; September 6, 2014, 08:51 AM.


          • tenphases
            tenphases commented
            Editing a comment
            holy crap!!! Airflow good? Dripping meat doesnt put out the fire? I must be doing something wrong!!! Super cool!!!

            Nevermind, i kept reading and you answered all my questions, great job!!
            Last edited by tenphases; May 26, 2020, 07:43 PM.

          Gonna put down some temp's so I don't have to enter that all at one time. I put the fat cap (or what was left) facing in on all briskets. That way when I go to the grate, hopefully that side will be dark enough and they all can go fat cap up. Good chance the brisket in the middle will be barked up enough on both sides.

          1st temp is the side of the barrel, 2nd is in the middle, they swapped after a while. I typically open the pipes when I hang so I can get some sleep until the Low temp alarm goes off. I'm being reactive rather than proactive this morning. I've also opened the intake closer to 1/2 in the past. This morning I left it at 1/4 to see how she ran. Closer to 1/2 seemed to keep the temps up a little better with the extra exhaust openings. Which is understandable.

          Cooker in shade under front porch roof. Gets radiant help from sun in the afternoons.

          0513- Meat In. Visual check at 0945. Rebar holes only exhaust openings to start.
          0533- 266, 257...72 degrees 98% humidity. No wind to start.
          0550- 280, 264
          0600- 252, 277
          0615- 239, 264
          0622- Opened one pipe
          0630- 228, 255
          0637- Opened second pipe
          0645- 237, 244
          0650- 232, 235
          0700- 228, 235
          0715- 221, 226
          0718- Cracked the lid enough to allow a little smoke to bellow out. I use a small thin piece of wood that is tapered
          0725- 230, 243
          0745- 230, 245
          0800- 228, 243...73.5 degrees. Slight breeze
          0808- 221, 237 Cracked lid a little more, made sure vent was facing the breeze
          0815- 225, 243...74.5 degrees
          0830- 228, 243...75 degrees
          0845- 232, 246...76.5 degrees
          0900- 235, 252...78 degrees
          0911- 244, 259...closed both pipes
          0915- 243, 257...80 degrees...95% humidity
          0930- 241, 253...82 degrees
          0939- 246, 259...Closed lid and opened both pipes (Easier to set pipes). Meat has very nice dark color on top. Will check again at 1015ish. Would like the "cut off" points to be barked up enough to wrap.
          0942- 261, 261
          0945- 255, 255
          1000- 246, 246
          1015- 244, 241 "Cut off" points were barked plenty and wrapped and put in the oven. Other briskets look good on the bottom (not too dark). No bark on the flats. Will put on the grate(s) at 1100. Need to rest by 1500. Will do burnt ends the last hour so they will be fresh and hot when I deliver. 85 degrees
          1026- cracked lid again to make sure coals are going good when I break up the air flow and lay them on the grate
          1030- 235, 250 Side probe moved more to the side off the charcoal basket...86 degrees
          1045- 240, 255 Went ahead and laid on the grates. Bark on the flat was non-existent. Once they get barked they get wrapped. Still have 4+ hours till I need to rest. No rebar, both pipes opened, lid cracked...aka full speed ahead.
          1100- 241, 212 1st probe is over an open space, 2nd probe is over meat...89 degrees
          1130- 250, 238 Bottom briskets just about barked enough. The moisture build up in this thing by this point is CRAZY. Surprise my probes have not given up.
          1145- 230, 210 Forgot to crack the lid, temps dropped a bit, but they should anyway considering the set up. Got that corrected. Rotated the briskets, 2 on top went to the bottom. They desperately need bark. 89.3 degrees
          1207- 219, 185
          1230- 223, 187 Temp is definitely stabilized with all that meat laying on the grate. I'll take internal temps when I wrap. I have only 2 reach 203 at wrapping time.
          1300- 253, 187 Looking good. Thinner, longer 12 pounder may be really close to 200 at wrapping.
          1330- 266, 205 The 2 at the top are in the 170's internal. If they could be 180 by 1400 that would be sweet.
          1340- Got the thinner one wrapped and in the 300 degree oven. It was 178 internal.
          1400- 2 Briskets were at 200+ and got wrapped and put in the faux cambro for a 3.5+ hour rest. The last one was at 180 internal and wrapped and place back in the PBC.
          1430-140- last two put to rest. PBC running 354-370 degrees, thanks to copious amounts of grease.

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          Last edited by Jerod Broussard; September 6, 2014, 01:30 PM.


          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
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            Bettin th smells were outta this world crazy good, Jerod!

          Starting to get a nice dark color on top. The two "cut off" points were fine. They will be used for burnt ends anyway so they got wrapped to get a little more tender.

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            Double layer of briskets. Would like the top 2 to get a little darker. That can come after the 2 now on the bottom get dark enough.

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              All briskets are almost ready to rest. Will try to get some pics of the burnt ends that should get done around 1700 CST. I have two to deliver to a burfday party. The other two, I will chop some and slice some for a couple preachers and their families.

              I take a T.V. tray and put some foil over it for a brisket observation/waiting table. Lot more grease drips out towards the end of a cook, I can tell you that much.

              Here is my little wood stick, aka lid cracker, resting after a good days work.

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              Last edited by Jerod Broussard; September 6, 2014, 01:43 PM.


                Chopped up point waiting for the sauce for burnt end goodness.

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                • Huskee
                  Huskee commented
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                  Nachos! Or sriracha burritos!

                Who knows. Probably all finger food. They been waiting all week for this. Her husband knows how to slice, so I don't have to worry about the flat at all.


                  Two not going to the burfday party got sliced and chopped. Drier parts of the flat go with the points which "chop" up good in the grinder when they are at least 160-165 internal. Vacuum sealed for optimum freshness.

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                    Few things:

                    1. If possible, I prefer to leave the points intact. The two I removed yesterday (briskets too long), didn't seem to cook down as well as those still attached to the flat when it came time to do burnt ends. Just rather keep things more consistent, in that, when the flats are tender and ready for rest, the points are ready to be removed and cubed for burnt ends.

                    2. 2.13 grams/3/8 teaspoon of table salt per pound for an overnight dry brine is da bomb.

                    3. From now on I will be removing the hooks when I go to the grate, and just get out the hot gloves sooner. The hooks kept getting hung up on the grate. First time I had problems with that. Took almost 50 briskets to have that happen, and on a daytime cook at that, go figure.



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