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Plans for the weekend

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    Plans for the weekend

    Been thinking about this all week. Took a small chuckie out of the freezer last night to start the defrost cycle. Gonna smoke it up on Sunday and use the result to "mess" with my grandmothers recipe for Rancho Enchiladas. This recipe has been in the family since the Spanish ruled California and uses no meat. She passed when i was pretty young, and the few memories I have of her are the chili's she always seemed to be roasting on the stove top, and the pot of beans that always seemed to be on the stove. I remember my Dad always dipping into that pot with fresh tortillas. Man, a long time ago... Anyway, where was I? Woah, drifted off there into yesteryear!! Oh yes. Gonna mess with her enchiladas recipe by using the nice smoked chuckie for beef enchiladas. My Dad LOVED the original recipe and REALLY loved the changes I made when I started substituting in smoked pork (carnitas style) or smoked chuck roast. Going back to my past for a Sunday night feast. My kids are bummed because they aren't coming home from school this weekend, but I'll save them some! ... Maybe!

    Feel free to share


      Sounds good Pappy!

      My Plans for the weekend == Cook 2 butts for a family event on Sunday


        I'm cooking a picnic, bone in, pork butt for a friend for Saturday night dinner at 7:00pm. When I'm done typing this I'm going to go trim it and dry brine it. I'll start smoking it tomorrow morning/night at 1:00am. It's gonna be a low and slow cook on my BGE at 225°. I'm going to rub it with Memphis Dust. I'll leave it in the cambro from 2 to 4 hours... Depending on when it finishes.

        I'm a low and slow guy... I don't ever wrap.😎
        Last edited by Breadhead; October 2, 2015, 12:07 AM.


        • PappyBBQ
          PappyBBQ commented
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          The cambro was a revelation picked up from this site. Never did this before, and, wow. What a difference it makes! If not for the effect it has on the final product, then for the flexibility it give you when meal planning. I find neat ideas here every day!

        Pappy you sound like me...I spend a lot of time during the week thinking about what I can smoke on the weekend when I have more time. I recently got a Pit Barrel Cooker and will try chickens on it tonight. On Sunday I'll smoke the second half of a Pork Butt. I cooked the first half on a rotisserie a couple of weeks ago and it failed miserably. It was before I found this website and joined The Pit. It was way undercooked and entirely too tough. It is amazing how much I have learned from this site in the past few weeks. Can't wait to see how different it tastes cooking low and slow on the PBC! Good luck with the chuckie and the enchiladas.


        • PappyBBQ
          PappyBBQ commented
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          Welcome to the pit BigBear and congrats on picking up a PBC. Bitchin' little piece of BBQ equipment! There are some real masters hanging about and the information you'll find here is simply awesome.

        I've got nothing for this weekend. For the opener on the road against Utah I did short ribs. For the first home tailgate against Oregon State I made cajun hash and a big batch of bloody Mary's. I was out of town for the UNLV game. For the BYU game I made gumbo. For the Northwestern game next weekend it's going to be vegetable beef soup. For the MSU game I am taking the Friday before off work and will be smoking a couple of small butts and a couple of chuckles. One chuckie will be for sandwiches for the tailgate the other will but cut into chunks and frozen and will be used in chili for the OSU game. I have nothing planned at this moment for the Rutgers game.

        In case any of you were wondering, I am talking about the University of Michigan home football schedule.

        Oh, and I just made a 6-quart batch of hot sauce that needs to be strained and bottled.
        Last edited by JeffJ; October 2, 2015, 03:18 PM.


          I'll be watching the Texas Longhorns (not so good) and the Texas Rangers (pretty darn good!) this weekend.


            Twins Game tomorrow, then smoking a brisket and maybe getting to my Pepper Relish!!!


            • Danjohnston949
              Danjohnston949 commented
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              What the odds? Spinaker I haven't decided if I should waste the Electricity or Not, Dan

            • Spinaker
              Spinaker commented
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              Hahaha, I probably wouldn't, But My old man has Champions Club tickets right behind home plate, so any game is pretty awesome. Plus my sister in-law just had a baby and we are taking my 2yro niece so Mom and Dad can have some time to focus on the baby. Danjohnston949

            • Danjohnston949
              Danjohnston949 commented
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              Sounds Like a Good Plan for all concerned! Maybe Kansas City will stub their toes? But I doubt it!😂 Dan

            My local store had a sale on chuckies and I scored a 5.5 lber, just salted it and am making some BBBR for the cook. This is my first chuckie so I will let you know how it goes.


              My chuckie is just a wee thing, Barely 3 pounds. I took it out of the freezer Wednesday and had to take it out of the fridge today to get it to defrost. It was still a brick! Gonna dry brine it shortly and let 'er sit until it hits the PBC Sunday morning. You're going to love the chuckie Brewmaster!


              • Huskee
                Huskee commented
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                I've been there many times on the long thaw. Can be a curve ball sometimes. Prepped a lot of par frozen pork butts.

              Got up at 4:00 and got the kettle w/sns going. Put a 7 lb butt on at 5:15 for tonights chow fest. My daughter is coming home from college after they get out of softball and we're having one of her past coaches and his family to join us. Gotta get going on the slaw, baking the buns and go on a beer run.
              Have a great weekend.


              • Huskee
                Huskee commented
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                Sounds like a great (busy) day! I hope you have a good time.

              On the upside I am smoking some ribs that I had frozen after trimming them off some spareribs to make the St. Louis style last month. On the downside I am painting the trim in the master bedroom. My reward will be eating those riblets.


                Cherry cobbler in the dutch today. were forecast for winds to 45 MPH through Sunday, not a good day to BBQ


                  Neighbors brought me a couple of SLCs for my birthday. They'll go in the PBC this afternoon. First time I've tried ribs on the thing...


                  • PappyBBQ
                    PappyBBQ commented
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                    Gonna love em Livermoron! "The thing" is a rib machine!

                  • Livermoron
                    Livermoron commented
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                    They were awesome! I tossed in a chunk of apple and a chunk of hickory. I think I pulled them a bit too early, but they were gone in minutes!

                    Thinking of doing another bunch this weekend for my wife's birthday party...

                  For my rainy Sunday, I'm going to do a couple racks of BB, a 9# (pre-trimming weight) pork shoulder and some whiskey baked beans while enjoying some football! At least that is my plan at this moment!


                  • JeffJ
                    JeffJ commented
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                    That sounds like a solid plan, Rich.


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