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PBC not for Me

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    PBC not for Me

    Trying to understand why so many pitmasters like the PBC I googled PBC
    Now I am even more confused.

    Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), formerly known as primary biliary cirrhosis, is a chronic liver disease resulting from progressive destruction of the bile ducts in the liver


    I believe you may be confusing medical with mechanical.
    In this particular case mechanical trumps medical hands down.


    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
      Editing a comment
      That helps, thanks

    Are we really going down this road? Ok, I'm in . . .


    Also found in: Dictionary, Medical, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

    Acronym Definition

    PBC Palm Beach County

    PBC Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

    PBC Peach Belt Conference (athletic conference)

    PBC Practice-Based Commissioning (UK)

    PBC Principles of Building Construction (various locations)

    PBC Poker Bonus Code

    PBC Primitive Baptist Church (various locations)

    PBC Perceived Behavioral Control (behavioral science)

    PBC People's Bank of China

    PBC Perth Bible College (Australia)

    PBC Palm Beach Currumbin (Australia)

    PBC Playback Control

    PBC Providence Baptist Church (various locations)

    PBC Parkway Baptist Church (various locations)

    PBC Peninsula Bible Church (Palo Alto, CA)

    PBC Pipeline Burst Cache

    PBC Port Bypass Circuit

    PBC Peripheral Board Controller

    PBC Plain Text Block Chaining

    PBC Pay by Call

    PBC Processor Bus Controller

    PBC Pay by Check

    PBC Partei Bibeltreuer Christen (German: Party of Bible-faithful Christians; political party)

    PBC Performance Based Contracting

    PBC Public Benefit Corporation

    PBC Public Building Commission

    PBC Permanent Building Committee (various locations)

    PBC Pontifical Biblical Commission

    PBC Polar Bear Club

    PBC Phyllis Browning Company (San Antonio, TX)

    PBC Peace Building Commission

    PBC Predominantly Black College

    PBC Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation

    PBC Pakistan Bar Council

    PBC Pacific Blue Cross (insurance; British Columbia, Canada)

    PBC Public Benefit Conveyance

    PBC Periodic Boundary Condition

    PBC Post Baccalaureate Certification (various schools)

    PBC Peace Baptist Church (various locations)

    PBC Parent Booster Club (Kansas)

    PBC Piedmont Baptist College (North Carolina)

    PBC Professional Business Consultants (Oak Bridge, IL)

    PBC Phoenix Boys Choir (Phoenix, AZ)

    PBC Person Being Coached (religion)

    PBC Premera Blue Cross

    PBC Prepared By Client

    PBC Pheasant Branch Conservancy (Middleton, WI)

    PBC Puebla, Puebla, Mexico (Airport Code)

    PBC Push Button Calibration (monitors)

    PBC Parents of Bipolar Children (South Carolina)

    PBC Pebble Beach Company (California; est. 1919)

    PBC Plant Biotechnology Center (various schools)

    PBC Peak Beam Candlepower (light strength rating)

    PBC Polarization-Beam Combiner

    PBC Pairing-Based Cryptography

    PBC Prestonwood Baptist Church (Dallas, TX)

    PBC Pittsburgh Brewing Company

    PBC Pilgrim Baptist Church

    PBC Personal Business Commitment(s)

    PBC Provided by Client

    PBC Power Boating Canada (Taylor Publishing Group)

    PBC Photonic Band Gap

    PBC Portland Borough Council (UK)

    PBC Peripheral Bus Computer

    PBC Pro Bono Consulting (Time Warner; est. 2005)

    PBC Pepsi Bottling Company

    PBC Particle Beam Cannon (Sci-Fi/gaming)

    PBC Postal Business Center

    PBC Performance Based Costing

    PBC Pakistan Banking Council

    PBC Pro Bass Challenge (celebrity fishing tournament)

    PBC Program & Budget Committee

    PBC Plastic Bottle Club

    PBC Planning Budgeting Controlling (various organizations)

    PBC Potential Backup Cost

    PBC Pipelined Burst Cache

    PBC Plain-Text Block Chaining

    PBC Peanut Butter Crackers

    PBC Pulivendula Branch Canal (India)

    PBC Peripheral Bus Controller

    PBC Proto-Benue-Congo

    PBC Preliminary Business Case

    PBC Postal Business Centers (USPS)

    PBC Pacific Bell Communications

    PBC Position Budget Creation

    PBC Push Button Controller

    PBC Program Booking Center

    PBC Practice Bomb Container

    PBC Prescot Brewing Company

    PBC Pink Broadcasting Company

    PBC Passing Bad Check (criminal charge)

    PBC Premium Browsable Content

    PBC Potential Back-Up Cost

    PBC Persian Broadcasting Channel

    PBC Pay by Computer

    PBC Planning Boards and Committees

    PBC Public Background Checks (website)

    PBC Pantranco Bus Company (bus company, Philippines)

    PBC Prayssac Basket Club (French basketball club)


    • Jim White
      Jim White commented
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      Pretty Bad Copying (several duplicates in your list)

    • Uncle Bob
      Uncle Bob commented
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      Did you get a blood transfusion from Panhead John ?

    • latenight71
      latenight71 commented
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      I'm obliviously not a lizard at cut and pastery

    Well, if you are going to go there, why not explore the meaning of PBR:

    PBR Pokemon Battle Revolution (gaming)
    PBR Pabst Blue Ribbon
    PBR Pre-Budget Report
    PBR Physically Based Rendering
    PBR Policy Based Routing
    PBR Partai Bintang Reformasi (Indonesian: Reform Star Party)
    PBR Peripheral Benzodiazepine Receptor (biochemistry)
    PBR Photobioreactor
    PBR Payment by Results (UK hospital funding)
    PBR Phone Book Read
    PBR Periodic Buffer Reuse
    PBR Playback and Record
    PBR Process Bill Register
    PBR Program Counter Breakpoint Register
    PBR Permit by Rule
    PBR Principle-Based Reserving (life insurance)
    PBR Plant Breeder's Rights
    PBR Patrol Boat/River (military)
    PBR Partition Boot Record
    PBR Pass by Reference
    PBR Performance-Based Regulation
    PBR Performance Based Ratemaking
    PBR Point-Blank Range
    PBR Private Business Radio
    PBR Program Budget Review (US DoD)
    PBR Perspective-Based Reading (requirement inspection technique)
    PBR Pebble Bed Reactor
    PBR Performance Based Remediation
    PBR Product Backlog Refinement (Scrum)
    PBR Packed Bed Reactor
    PBR Public Broadcast Radio
    PBR Powered by Rice
    PBR Paper Bag Records (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
    PBR Principle-Based Regulation
    PBR Patients' Bill of Rights (congressional legislation)
    PBR Price-to-Book Value Ratio
    PBR Public Bus Route
    PBR President's Budget Request
    PBR Patrol Boat Riverine
    PBR Particle Bed Reactor
    PBR Professional Bull Riders/Riding
    PBR Permian Basin Railways (Chicago, IL)
    PBR Piggy Back Ride
    PBR Plastic Baton Round
    PBR Polished-Bore Receptacle
    PBR Peak Bit Rate
    PBR Performance Based Requirement
    PBR Periodic Business Review
    PBR Paintball Review
    PBR Position-Based Routing (communications)
    PBR Profile-Based Routing
    PBR Primary Boot Record
    PBR Passive Bistatic Radar
    PBR Plum Brook Reactor (Ohio)
    PBR Plan Build Run
    PBR Penang Bridge Run (Malaysia)
    PBR Program Budget Request
    PBR Planning Based on Re-clearance
    PBR Pay Back Rate
    PBR Post Boost Reliability
    PBR Pro Bull Riders, Inc.
    PBR Professional Business Reception
    PBR Patapsco and Black Rivers Railroad Company
    PBR Post Build Review (engineering)
    PBR Prescription Benefit Record (member benefit)
    PBR Pattern-Based Recognition
    PBR Pink Barbie Radio (Internet radio station)


    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
      Editing a comment
      PBR by Far,
      You're the man, jfmorris
      Last edited by bbqLuv; October 19, 2021, 04:02 PM.

    This is going to be fun to watch.....


    • Panhead John
      Panhead John commented
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      Not really. 🙄

    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      TLA Three Letter Acronym: PBR = TLA
      I figured that out myself.

    When I joined I was trying to figure out what MCS was that seemed to afflict so many here. A quick search brought me to the wiki page for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity which one of the many causes could be smoke. Fortunately with contex clues I figured it out before I put all my gear on Craig's List.



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