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Streaks on PBC Exterior

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    Streaks on PBC Exterior

    I am cleaning up my pit barrel cooker so that I can sell it. I followed the instructions from PBC’s video about wiping down the exterior with a damp cloth while the barrel is hot. Now there are the streak marks that I can’t seem to get rid of. Any ideas?
    Attached Files

    Looks like you need to re-dissolve the stuff that your damp cloth had picked up and that was left behind on the barrel surface when the heat evaporated everything quickly. I'd try laying the cool barrel on its side and make a wet poultice by laying either paper or cloth towels on the affected area and keeping them wet with water for a while ... likely hours ... before wiping it off again.


    • jhapka
      jhapka commented
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      Thanks for the Idea I’ll give it a try

    When I first saw this I thought it said "Steaks on PBC Exterior" and I thought to myself, "I have to check that out".

    And my question is why are you selling your PBC?


    • Old Glory
      Old Glory commented
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      Ha ha I saw steaks as well

    • jhapka
      jhapka commented
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      I hope nobody decides to sear steaks on their PBC lid after seeing this

    • Dewesq55
      Dewesq55 commented
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      Me too!

    For a quick solution, I’d try Simple Green on a small section to see if than removed it. Then if it doesn’t MBMorgan ‘s advice would be where I went next. I’m amazed by the stuff Simple Green takes off.


    • Michael_in_TX
      Michael_in_TX commented
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      This is exactly what I was going to suggest, too. No need to heat up the barrel. I use this on mine from time to time, especially the top of the lid where dew collects and evaporates, leaving a light residue.

    • jhapka
      jhapka commented
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      No dice on the simple green. Not sure how much effort I want to put into this. Maybe I’ll just give it to a friend

    Feature it as a custom finish.
    That is how Starbucks got started. "Oh no we burnt the coffee beans!" "I know, sell the burnt beans as a dark roast." " Are they that stupid?" "This is Seattle." And now you know the rest of the story.


    • rickgregory
      rickgregory commented
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      Said by a guy in... Milwaukie.

    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      PBR, is that the Beer and made Milwaukie Famous?

    This is really strange.....I'm so unclear of the mechanism in which hot water would have left such a stain like that on the coating.


    • jhapka
      jhapka commented
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      I think MBMorgan figured it out. The cloth must have picked something up. No way water would do that. I’m puzzled

    What else had you used that cloth for, was it clean to begin with? I have not have this problem.


      Another question about the cloth. What kind of material was it made of? Many general use cloths today are actually made up of, or mixed, with synthetic materials which will melt on hot surfaces.


        It was a microfiber cloth we use for pretty much everything. We’re pretty good about getting them into the used bucket until we can wash them but maybe it melted or we didn’t get everything out in the last wash


        • Donw
          Donw commented
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          Microfibers are made by melting polymers and then blowing the mixture through tiny orifices. I believe your streaks are caused by melting of those fibers. Only solution I can think of is to the reheat the drum and then wipe with a wet 100% cotton rag. Do not use any rag that is labeled as "Cotton Blend," either because they too contain synthetic materials.

        • Donw
          Donw commented
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          I checked out some auto restoration forums. Microfiber stains on hot surfaces actually a common problem. Suggestions.
          1. Heat and wipe with 100% cotton.
          2. Oven cleaner.
          3. 0000 steel wool with either oven cleaner or WD-40
          My suggestion. Keep the PBC and enjoy it.

        • jhapka
          jhapka commented
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          Donw yeah getting the finish restored to sell is seeming less likely to happen. I’ve already been accused of doing this intentionally to keep it. That’s giving me a lot of credit

        If all else fails, use a pressure washer with a good soapy mixture mixed in with the water. I think the PBC finish will be ok, but I think a good pressure washing will do it.


          Just use soap and water.....and a clean rag or towel.


            Originally posted by bbqLuv View Post
            Feature it as a custom finish.
            That is how Starbucks got started. "Oh no we burnt the coffee beans!" "I know, sell the burnt beans as a dark roast." " Are they that stupid?" "This is Seattle." And now you know the rest of the story.
            Actually they were working on a "natural" colon cleanser and then realized they could market it as coffee.


              Try wetting it, cool by the way, & hit it (spray to those in Oconomowoc) with Simple Green straight out of the bottle.


                Originally posted by bep35 View Post
                When I first saw this I thought it said "Steaks on PBC Exterior"
                I JUST realized it says "streaks." Course I only scanned over the title a couple hunnert times.

                No wonder I've come home with low sodium ketchup and mayo w/ Greek yogurt. (Both inedible)


                  I too read this as "steaks" and I thought 'wow someone's cooking steaks on the lid??? I gotta see this....'



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