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Pork Butt Temperature

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    Pork Butt Temperature

    I have been smoking shoulders for several years now and typically ran them unwrapped to 195 in an old brinkman smokengrill w/ the water bowl. I have completed two separate shoulder cooks on the PBC now. The first one I wrapped at 165 because I didn't have time. I much prefer the bark of unwrapped. This weekend I did two 8 lb shoulders for a 10.5 hrs to a temperature of 195. The bark and flavor was great. The dark meat fell apart in your hands, but the bone still adhered a bit and the white meat was moist, but didn't fall apart. Is this a case where I should have run it to 203? Or would the white meat dry out more? Or is this a situation where wrapping is necessary?

    Welcome to The Pit! So the 2 butts you're speaking of now- did you wrap them or not? Often unwrapped butts are pullable and tender before wrapped ones at the same temp simply because it takes longer to get there w/ unwrapped ones and time is the key more than temp. I wouldn't worry much about the white meat drying out since pulled pork gets stirred and mixed, evening everything out in the mix. But I'm thinking the time necessary to get it up to 203 would've helped more than the temp itself. Meaning- if you'd have cambroed it for 2 hrs at 195 it probably would've turned out better. If you did cambro it after it hit 195, then maybe yes, you'd need to take it up to 200-205.


    • gcdmd
      gcdmd commented
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      In your last sentence, Huskee, didn't you mean to say "didn't cambro," rather than "did cambro?"

      BTW, how do you get italics on a post here?

    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
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      gcdmd Nope, if it was cambroed, held, at 195, and was still dry w/ the white meat, then perhaps a higher temp was needed (200-205). If it wasn't cambroed, then perhaps that would've helped tenderize a bit more.

      To get italics in a main reply box (not here in the 'comment' boxes unfortunately) simply press "Ctrl+i" for italics or Ctrl+b for bold, u for underline. Or, press the "A" icon upper right of the reply box to open the format options and you can select those things there. Press the "Ctrl+i" once again to UNitalicize, UNbold, etc.

    • gcdmd
      gcdmd commented
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      Thanks, Husk.


    Did you cambro it? I think more important than final temp is how long above x temp (not sure exactly what x is, but my guess is around 170) so a 225 cooked butt to an IT of 195 will be much more tender than a 300 cooked butt to 195. If I wrap then I try to rest at least 2 hours, if I don't wrap 30 minutes is usually fine.


    • pbushlack
      pbushlack commented
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      I did not wrap or Cambro!

    Hey pbushlack Welcome Aboard


      Just for a point of reference, pbushlack :

      On the PBs ( 7 to 10 lbs bone-in) I've done on the PBC, I haven't wrapped, have taken them to 199 to 203 deg F internal depending on probe tenderness, and then cambro-ed for about 30 minutes. Each one has been great. No complaints from the snarfers who circle me and the PB, grabbing pieces as I pull them.



        Thank you everyone!


          Like everyone else has said, time is the biggest factor. That's why 225 is a great temp to cook at. That said, you can cook a butt hot, and "cheat" the time with a nice long rest in the cooler. Many times I'll crank the heat to 300-350 and run the butt to 203, then straight into the cooler. Get the same results either way honestly, but it does save quite a bit of time.



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