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Quick question: first post

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    Quick question: first post

    Hi hope you can help with this issue and sorry if it has already been covered...

    I recently purchased a pit barrel cooker- very cool but
    I've noticed " off favors" in the meat of unburnt charcoal especially the ends hanging closest to the heat.
    I've noticed this with ribs, beef tenderloin and even on ribeye steaks using the grill . I've followed the instructions as to the amt if charcoal and I'm using kingsford. I know that in a weber grill you aré supposed to make sure the embers are completely white to avoid off flavored. This is not the case in the instructions for the put barrel cooker: fill the bin, take out 40 coals use a chimney starter to light, dump back into pit with rest if coals and start cooking.
    ( I also have a WSM. And have used the "minion method" whereby you dump in a whole bag of kingsford then a chimney starter full of white hot coal and begin cooking. No off smell at all with ribs and pulled pork EVER
    Perhaps due to the water pan barrier? Sorry for the blah blah blah...


    I have never used a whole bag for my WSM. I use the Soo donut method for long cooks and don't have any issues with off flavors. That being said, I don't have a PBC but there are plenty of people here that do and love the PBC. Someone will chime in


      Interesting, I have never noticed those problems before maybe it is not getting initially hot enough.

      You have read through this thread?? >>>
      Light my (PBC) fire: tips on lighting and maintaining temperatures

      Welcome to the Pit by the way...


        Welcome, I don't really have a clue for you either other than too hot or too cold...


          Welcome perry green. We're glad you're here! smarkley gave you a good link. Check out all the lighting tips there.


            I'm guessing that you're running too cold and the charcoal is smoldering too much as it ignites. Have you checked to make certain that the intake is open enough based on your elevation? Also, definitely read the above post on lighting. It makes a big difference to let it get good airflow for a bit before starting the cook. I know the pbc is advertised as being able to just set, light, and roll, and pretty much that's true, but it's still best to monitor temps IMO, especially the first few times you cook on it.


              Hi perry green and welcome. As suggested by David Parrish and smarkley the thread on light by (PBC) fire here is excellent. Key step is once you add your lit chimney to the PBC basket, let it burn for another 10-15 minute with the lid off and then another 10 min more with lid on (no rebar). Never had a problem with off flavors following this method posted by fzxdoc


                Perry perry green , you've received some good advice here. You started just the way I did, following Noah's lighting video to a "T". But after a couple of cooks that I knew could be better, I came to this site (before the Pitmaster club was started) and asked questions just like you have--and have gotten great tips that have led to amazing results on my PBC.

                So give a different spin on the lighting method a try and see whether that helps. I've found with the PBC to change only one thing at a time. If your lower vent is set appropriately, then give that Light my (PBC) fire topic that several have mentioned a read-through and try that method. Hopefully it will solve your problem and you'll have great-tasting 'Que with every bite.



                  Hey thanks...I don't aways have time to check back...and then I forgot my password....actually I ended up using less charcoal and hung the meat (beef tenderloin a bit higher and added a little smoke... it seemed to work
                  (I will now go and read the other comment)



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