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Short plate ribs

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    Short plate ribs

    I love beef ribs. Maybe my favorite thing to eat off the Q. I went to the "local" butcher (I say local, but butchers are few and far between here in Los Angeles for some reason) and got a 4 bone hunk from the short plate before they turned it into "short ribs". They called it Flanken Ribs, so I'm guessing they were from the "lower" part of the short plate as the ribs were only about 10 - 12 inches long. Anyway, it was a good cook, which I charted as usual, this time adding ambient temp and humidity as well. If I would figure out how to post the spreadsheet I use for this I would, but I can only seem to post pics. In two hours the ribs went from 38 degrees to 170 degrees. They stalled for the next two hours, and then got removed an hour and a half later at 192 internal. My probe went in with literally no resistance and the membrane on the back of the ribs was nearly gone. Whoa boy were those tender and juicy with a fabulous bark. I'll be doing these again for sure! BUT, a turkey is next!

    Here are the pics of before and after:

    Oh, and I used MeatHeads Big Bad Beef Rub. Really like that stuff!


      I love those things, they are like little steaks that come with their own plates.


        Man....those look good, going to have to cook some beef ribs.


          Ditto, to what Chuck said. Going to have to try them sometime.


            Yeah, I tried some el cheapo's and they were blah....I think 480 hours of sous vide could not have helped that crap.

            Plan to order some high grade one day.


            • Ernest
              Ernest commented
              Editing a comment
              Do you have H.E.B. in your area? They seem to have great quality short ribs

            PappyBBQ great lookin' cook! I also love beef ribs with BBBR. I have to get the butcher to sell me some before he makes them 'short'.


              I'm afraid to ask what they cost!


                Sorry to be so tardy with a reply. Haven't been on the site lately. Been too busy looking for a freaking turkey to cook. Might as well be looking for moon rocks. Sigh.

                They weren't cheap. I went back to the log of the cook to see if I wrote down the price - something I'll be adding to my logs in the future. It was right around 4 pounds and cost right around 40 bucks. Like I said, not cheap. Sometimes living in a big city sucks, like trying to find decent butchers. I've found a couple, but, man, mondo dinero!



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