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Chaser question

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    Chaser question

    Hi all! This is a question to all you native English speakers (yes, I keep bugging you ).

    In movies I often here the expression "beer with an X chaser" or similar. As in: one drink, then another to 'follow' (hence the *chaser' expression I assume).

    I also assume (correct me if I'm wrong), that you have
    A) a high alcohol drink, say bourbon in this example, and
    B) a low alchol drink, say beer in this example.

    Now to my question: which drink chases which?

    There are two options as I see it, and they both make sense.
    1. "I'll have a beer with a bourbon chaser" - soft start with a couple of sips of beer, then a shot of bourbon because it's so good.
    2. "I'll have a bourbon with a beer chaser" - hit me with a good shot of bourbon, and a beer to smooth things out.

    For those of you in the know: please enlighten me. What's the 'correct' protocol when I go into a bar and want one of each? In this case, the beer/bourbon combo is a favorite of mine

    Bourbon usually but any hard liquor would qualify. Take that to the next level would be a Boilermaker. You drop your shot of bourbon into the full mug of beer and drink the whole thing down. Think you Swedes can handle that ?


    • bardsleyque
      bardsleyque commented
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      breakfast in Chitown!

    • Henrik
      Henrik commented
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      Yup, have done just that on many ski trips in Austria. It was called a sub(marine), as the shot was submerged in the beer.

    • Troutman
      Troutman commented
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      Submarine, that's a good one !!! Bet that makes you want to shout "Yo-da-la-hee-who"

    In this case, the beer is the chaser.


      Yeah, it's usually the hard stuff washed down with something else, like beer.


        A an B are quite correct, Hank...

        Either 1 or 2 will work jus fine, depends on how ya feel, what yer wantin to see happen, (an when)...

        Been doin this fer a Very Long Time, an watched countless thousand others do so, in my life...

        Reckon, far as I know, there's only personal choice, not an etiquette thang...

        Long story short: No Correct Way to do it, reckon no Wrong Way, neither...

        Nobody's gonna care, much less call ya out in th middle of th street, to slap leather witcher Peacemaker!

        btw, I'm always Delighted when ya ask questions bout such things, an it ain't never no bother, Brother.

        Anybody else don't like such, then they can move on by, or blow it out their dang danged barracks bag!
        Last edited by Mr. Bones; January 5, 2021, 02:04 PM.


        • bardsleyque
          bardsleyque commented
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          is that lederhosen in Germany?

        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          Entschuldigen Sie mir, bitte, aber ich weiss nicht.

        • Troutman
          Troutman commented
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          Is das ein thy one vay street? Ya das ist they one vay street !! One vay street, do not cheat, or we take car unt you use feet !!!

        Usually, but not always, the hard drink, usually some kind if whiskey, is a shot, which is usually drunk all at once (often times referred to as tossing) and the other drink, usually a taller drink, drunk more slowly, is the chaser. The chaser is someone's referred to as a basket, or just "back." So, xgive me a Maker's with a Sam back" would generally be interested by the bartender as a shot of Maker's Mark bourbon with a glass, bottle, stein or pint of Samuel Adams Boston Lager as a chaser, or "back."
        Last edited by Dewesq55; January 5, 2021, 02:13 PM.


        • smokin fool
          smokin fool commented
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          Here it was Molson Export Ale and Old Grand-dad bourbon.
          My stomachs doing back flips just thinking about those days, don't miss em at all.

        Not to be confused with a "snit"


          Chaser | Definition of Chaser by Merriam-Webster (


          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
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            # 2 Definition, top.
            Last edited by Mr. Bones; January 5, 2021, 03:34 PM.

          Thanks! So both ways work, cool.


          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
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            As per usual, Brother RonB has th right of it!

          • Troutman
            Troutman commented
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            There's only one way to drink a Boilermaker though

          • Smoldering Flea
            Smoldering Flea commented
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            I have never heard nor can I envision a stronger drink following up a lighter drink.

          Yep, and where I live, in the great drinking state of Wisconsin, we order Bloody Mary’s and a chaser of beer is assumed. But, here in Wisconsin, every event is a drinking event. It’s what we do! I live in the state that holds 10 cities in the top 20 drunkest cities, I live in #10 lol.
          Last edited by Richard Chrz; January 5, 2021, 03:36 PM.


          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
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            Way back when, ('70's), usedta drive up to my relatives (Baraboo, Madison) with a Suburban fulla Coors beer, (They coudn't git it, back then), an come back home with a Suburban fulla cheeses an sausages...Worked out jus fine, all round...
            Good Times, my friend...
            Last edited by Mr. Bones; January 5, 2021, 03:41 PM.

          • Troutman
            Troutman commented
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            I don't remember my last trip to Wisconsin, I now know why

          • Henrik
            Henrik commented
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            Ha ha ha!

          I think we need to verify this theory with empirical research.


          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
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            Workin on it, even now, fer th sake of Science...

          • Troutman
            Troutman commented
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            I just picked up a 6 of PBR. Will that work?

          • Old Glory
            Old Glory commented
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            PBR with a PBR chaser works for me!

          generally you order a real crap liquor or one you have a hard time tolerating as a shot and chase it with a beer to clear out the ol' pie hole ASAP so you don't have to deal with the discomfort of crappy least that's what happened a lot in college. most liquor i drink now don't need no chaser


          • Henrik
            Henrik commented
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            Makes sense!

          • Huskee
            Huskee commented
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          A lot of times, when ur chasing, ur just chasing. Drinking a beer an someone buys a shot, chase it with a beer, then buy a round of shots. Your constantly chasing, like a go chasing his tail. From what i’ve heard.


            "Chaser" reminds me of drinking to drink, to get drunk, not drinking for taste/enjoyment or to have a socially enjoyable time with friends. To me if you need a chaser you're doing something wrong because you don't like what you're drinking! That said, my 'chaser' is water.


            • Henrik
              Henrik commented
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              Now that I'm older I can really relate to this. In my wild days it was all about getting drunk. But I do like to order a bourbon with a beer to sip on before dinner if I visit a bbq restaurant. I get the good stuff though, life is too short to drink bad bourbon or bad beer :-)

            Here in Philadelphia we have the Citywide Special, the original is a shot of Jim Beam and a can of PBR for $3, but most of the bars here have their own variation on it. Yes the beer chases the shot.


            • ssandy_561
              ssandy_561 commented
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              A bar I frequent has the PB & J special. A can of PBR and a shot of Jameson.


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