Now Pabst Blue Ribbon wants to make your house its newest ad platform—and put some of that ad budget in people’s pockets. The brand is launching a new campaign called "In Home Advertising," in which it will pay you to decorate your house with PBR-branded merchandise.
Smokin-It 3D
Weber Kettle with an SNS
Masterbuilt kettle that I call the $30 wonder grill
Bullet by Bull Grills gasser
Anova WiFi sous vide machine
Thermoworks Thermapen and Chef Alarm
After seeing this, If we don’t see a photo of his garage or cooking area with that rug in the next month…….I’ll be seriously doubting his love for PBR!
Lotta us here, we probly kinda pioneered summa this concept, Many Decades ago, while buildin Th Great Byramids outta PBR cans, an makin curtains outta th pulla tabs......
Mr. Bones
I know from a previous adventure you posted about that you have a baseball bat in Blue Belle, but what about a Ka-Bar and a sleeping bag? Kudos on the P-38, BTW.
Ah yes, the beer can pyramid that took up an entire wall. Fell down at least once every day. Living in the apt. above the manager equals not a good thing.
About Me
My name is Josh, not Joey (surprise), and I reside in Central Ohio. I have been grilling since I could drive, and smoking for around 15 years. Over the past couple of years I have gotten more into just cooking, and really enjoy sous vide and the flat top. I find myself experimenting with different foods and new ways of cooking as an outlet to work stress. I use every piece of equipment I own regularly, with the exception of the electric smoker. That only gets brought out on occasion to make jerky.
My favorite beverage is bourbon. I typically have at least 8-10 bottles open at any given time. While I have favorites, I enjoy sampling new and different varieties.
Too bad you aren't in Ohio, bbqLuv , or you could participate in one of the greatest charity fundraisers in the land. It's not a race, nor a marathon, nor even a walk. It's just you, your closest friends, and 10,000 PBR's...
PBR 10K, Columbus, Ohio. 365 likes · 16 talking about this. The greatest beer drinking charity event in the 614. Over 1000 people, 10,000 beers and several thousand dollars raised for our...