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If you are a fan of strong, potent IPA beers this is the lead dog on the hunt!

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    If you are a fan of strong, potent IPA beers this is the lead dog on the hunt!

    My son lives in Austin and has one major hobby outside is wife and kids......BEER! We get together every Thanksgiving and sit outside around a fire pit day and night while cooking and try various different beers as a taste tester. I have a condition / affliction of having around 1000 more taste buds on my tongue per square inch than normal people. This allows me to taste and smell many things that most people don't. An example is box mashed potatoes. When I eat them the only taste I get is the chemicals used in processing them rather than potato.... spit them out when going to eat out and order mashed potatoes with chicken fried steak when I take my first bite of fake mashed potato.

    To that point, my son introduced his mother and I to Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA a while back. This beer is hopped for 90 minutes thus the name and has a flavor that can not be described unless tried. I tell people it is like drinking a fine meal with so many powerful flavors that it probably was like old time brews that people made that were a large part of the calorie intake for the day. Everyone has there likes and dislikes with beer flavors but I am so impressed with this beer that I probably have told over 50 people about it over the last year or so.

    I have been married to the same italian women for 39 years and in those 39 years plus our engagement of 3 years if my wife has drank 6 beers I personally have never seen it. She now drinks Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA often or at least half of mine!

    There is no warning label on this beer but at 9% I can assure you 2 beers and you will not want to be talking to your neighborhood policeman if your anywhere near your car.

    Love it with chicken, poke ribs, and brisket. They don't pay me to advertise it because once you try it you will.

    You oughta try the Dogfish Head 120 minute IPA. I see it maybe twice a year locally, ranges 15-20% depending on the batch. Amazingly complex flavor


    • Mudkat
      Mudkat commented
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      That stuff is truth serum for me. One of those and I'll tell ya anything. It also says on the bottle that it will age over time or something to that effect. It's only made it a few days in my cooler so I don't know.

    • Mosca
      Mosca commented
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      Yep. And it is POTENT. I had one with dinner and had to pass the car keys to my daughter.

    • JakeT
      JakeT commented
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      Definitely, whenever I get a 4-pack I have a few buddies over and divvy it up in snifters, drinking these alone can lead to bad decisions lol

    Love the Dogfish 90 minute IPA, they also have a 60 minute IPA that's not as strong...


      Dogfish makes great beers. I want to ditto the 120 minute, it’s a sipping beer....


        Think I'll get some today. It's a good IPA that's for sure! They now have a distillery and make an excellent gin and vodka.


          I found some ipa called old chubs, in the Adirondacks loved it, have never seen it again


          • Hulagn1971
            Hulagn1971 commented
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            Old Chub is good. They have it here at Harris Teeter in cans.

          • Mosca
            Mosca commented
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            Old Chubb is a Scottish ale, a style that is also known as a "wee heavy". And yep, it is potent! And, all Oskar Blues beers are either draft or cans. No bottles.

          What does it mean to be the lead dog in the hunt as it relates to an IPA beer?

          90 Minute IPA is certainly a great beer and one I'm happy to drink. I remember it fondly fifteen years ago, back when one could legitimately rate the top 50 craft breweries in America (with over 6,000 craft breweries in America today, good luck trying to do that now!). At that time, Dogfish Head should have been in any respectable list's top 10.

          But especially given all the great IPA innovations (and in particular, the explosion of the "New England Style" IPA) and some amazing IPAs being brewed (including, of course, Heady Topper, Dinner, Pliny, among others), I'm just not sure 90 Minute would be my lead dog.

          Anyway, regardless of your "lead dog," cheers to great beer and great IPAs which do, to Lock Stock and Barrel's point, go great with 'que!


          • au4stree
            au4stree commented
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            The "lead dog" is just that, the leader the best dog in the pack. He/She stays on the trail, points the best etc.

          • Old Glory
            Old Glory commented
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            Dinner hands down winner!

          Dogfish Head is a great IPA in my book as well. It'll make me sweat.


            Don't drink anymore but loved Dogfish Head. Hit their brewery a few times.


              Oh... gosh. Another beer thread. But, you're appreciating beer again! And at such an age... There are so many different ways to go about choosing and drinking a beer to rekindle things, and most never find out how to appreciate this when young. Even blind squirrels occasionally find nuts.

              As I sit here drinking a 10.5% lager I wonder how to contribute other than to say that Al Pacino won an Oscar for 'Scent of a Woman'. There's hope for all of you. Put forth the effort. Anything new will be appreciated. It will...

              Maybe this is the beer talking...

              (Maybe it's because I just watched an Eddie Izzard video)


                I really like the Dogifsh beer(s). What I have found with all craft beers is that the date really matters. I had a buddy who used to work for delivering Budweiser through college. In Junior College he was credited for 4 hours on Fridays (6pm-10pm) to get rid of "spoilage" regardless of the hours he put in to get rid of the beer. Spoilage was simply beer that had to be pulled because it had gone past a certain date. Of course he had about ten of us who were working for free to help him get rid of the spoilage. Who wouldn't pass up free spoiled beer? The four hour job was one hour, tops with all of the help.

                While IPA's are supposed to have a much longer shelf-life than the average beer, I have found really old beers on the shelf at the grocery store. I don't think the distributors of some of the smaller breweries pull the products and call them "spoiled". When an IPA goes bad, it seems to go really bad. A great IPA tastes much worse than the "spoiled" Bud's I used to drink when it goes. My local Raley's grocery store always has the Dogfish and it is delicious, when fresh. However, I won't buy any of them if they are over 60 days old.


                • Old Glory
                  Old Glory commented
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                  Actually IPAs should be enjoyed as fresh as possible. The hops degrade really quickly.

                • tbob4
                  tbob4 commented
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                  Old Glory - your avatar is beautiful and is proof you know what you are talking about!

                • sdenue57
                  sdenue57 commented
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                  Old Glory spot on!

                Dogfish Head makes some great beer. My desire for great craft beer years ago is what led me into home brewing, which is a hobby that really does fit right in with the quest to make great BBQ. Sadly at the moment I have one keg of IPA on tap, and have 10 more kegs of beer tied up waiting for my kids weddings.



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