I drink Guinness Extry Stout, in th 22 oz. bottles...
When they'e done brewin a batch, they bottle it, an worsh out th tanks, natch...
Coors Light ain't even as good as what they git, on th fourth rinse-out lol!
PBR? ~Mebbe~ th third rinse...
Last edited by Mr. Bones; November 14, 2021, 04:12 PM.
At a brewer's conference (these things are real), after a long day of booth duty and seminars, the presidents of Budweiser, Coors and Guinness find themselves walking into the lobby bar together. The barkeep asks what they will have.
The president of Coors says, "I'll have the only beer brewed with Rocky Mountain spring water. Give me a Coors." The president of Bud says, And I'll have the king of beers, a Budweiser please." The president of Guinness orders a Coke. "A coke?" the other two say in surprise. To which he answers, "Well, if the two of you aren't going to drink beer, I won't either."