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ThermoWorks Thermapen MK4 BIG sale $69!

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    ThermoWorks Thermapen MK4 BIG sale $69!


    Something new is afoot and they're clearing these guys out. Gitcha one!

    And I bought one at full price two months ago.
    Hope it is not a going-out-of-business sale.
    Last edited by bbqLuv; June 15, 2021, 12:32 PM.


    • tdimond
      tdimond commented
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      It appears to be a clearance sale because they're introducing a new model. At least that's what they were hinting at in the email I got from them.

      TNPIGBBQ commented
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      They weren’t hinting at anything in that email. They flat out said a new product is being launched in January, the production line is up and running, the full details are coming out before the end of June. And it’s a major advancement 6 years in the making.

      I’m gonna go ahead and buy a couple Mk4s to give as Christmas gifts & evaluate whether to buy the new one when the details drop.

    • tdimond
      tdimond commented
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      I got that second email also. The first one announcing rhe clearance sale was a little more coy.

    I just bought one for a Xmas gift. Now to remember to give it to my friend when Xmas rolls around.

    Thanks for the heads-up, Huskee .



      It will be interesting to see what they bring out. I suspect it will have magnets built in like many of their competitors have now and also am betting the display will be improved.

      I have two Thermapens but bought one of these a few months back as a test. It is good but not quite as quick as the Thermapen. It's display is superior and I love the magnets built into the case. I use it about as often as a Thermapen now just 'cause it is handy.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.JPG
Views:	486
Size:	14.3 KB
ID:	1046213


        I have that same ThermoPro, except it’s the model TP-19H. The difference being it has an LED light "on/off" button. I like that feature, plus whenever you pull the probe out the LED light automatically comes on. It will shut off within a short time of laying it down. When you pick it up it’ll come back on. As mentioned it’s magnetized and gives quick and accurate readings. It gives me final temp readings in about 3 or 4 seconds, quick enough for me. It also has an auto-rotate feature, which shows the display when flipped up or down.

        AR reviewed this and gave it a Gold Star. And it has some heft to it. It feels well made and not flimsy at all. And it’s only $16.00 after Amazon’s offer of $2.00 off and then a 10% discount off that! To me, this ThermoPro definitely offers the best bang for your buck. You can get 4 of these for the price of one ThermoWorks’s sale price.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Panhead John; June 16, 2021, 07:12 AM.


          Received this interesting email a short time ago from ThermoWorks:
          Months ago we closed out a few colors of Thermapen Mk4 and continued building a shorter list of colors. Now we’re closing out the remaining colors. We know that there are many questions and rumors. Here are a few with some answers:

          Q: Why are you closing out the Mk4? Isn’t it the world’s best?
          A: The Mk4 is in fact widely rated #1 and is the world’s best and fastest cooking thermometer. But something big is coming!
          Q: Are there any problems in the Mk4?
          A: No. The Mk4 is the world’s best.
          Q: Why would I pay for the Mk4 if it is going to be replaced?
          A: Because $69 is an amazing price that won’t be repeated. It really is a great, great deal on a thermometer that is the very best value even at full price.
          Q: Saving money is great but why would I want the Mk4 if it is going to be obsolete?
          A: The Mk4 will NOT be "obsolete". There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Mk4. If you buy one on closeout, you’ll get an excellent tool that will last for many years. On January 1 it will not go dead. Its internal software will not expire. It’s AAA battery will be available for decades to come. If you get one, you will be happy with it!
          Q: Will there be a Mk5 Thermapen?
          A: There will be something new and amazing.
          Q: When will you say what is coming?
          A: We promise that the announcement is coming soon — before the end of June!
          Q: What could you possibly do to improve on the Mk4?
          A: The full story is coming very soon. It will be worth it!
          Q: Should I take advantage of this price before they’re gone or wait to know what the new product is like?
          A: That’s always the dilemma when a new product is approaching. If you want to wait for the announcement before taking advantage of the Mk4 closeout pricing, we believe we will still have stock of the Mk4 when the new product begins shipping. However, we can’t guarantee the availability of any specific closeout colors. The $69 price is anticipated to continue until they are gone. Don’t expect further decreases.
          Q: Will the Classic Thermapen continue?
          A: It will.
          Q: If I want the new product, shouldn’t I wait until it’s been on the market for awhile so all the bugs are worked out?
          A: What’s coming is indeed a big advance but we’ve been working on it for nearly six years. The production line is running. Everything has been tested like crazy. This will be our most solid product launch ever. We’ve been making Thermapens for decades. We know a lot about this. I wouldn’t wait.
          Q: Can’t you tell me anything about the new product?
          A: Yes we absolutely can on the day the announcement is made. It is coming fast.


            Thermapen is made by this company in the UK. Usually you'll see new products here first. Nothing yet about a successor.

            "Thermapen is the flagship product of Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd (ETI), a British, award-winning digital thermometer manufacturer, producing digital and infrared thermometers for food service and industry together with dataloggers, moisture meters, humidity and pH meters.

            Jointly owned by Miriam and Peter Webb, the company was founded in 1983 when they identified an opportunity in the manufacturing market. The business has grown considerably over the years, now operating across three sites in Worthing, West Sussex, where all Thermapens are designed and manufactured."

            Read how Electronic Temperature Instruments (ETI) has transformed from a fully-fledged British manufacturer which proudly produces and distributes Thermapen's across the world.


              Just received a Heads Up email from Thermapen, Electronic Temperature Instruments ETI, the UK manufacturers of the Thermapen. The email states a big announcement on Friday June 25 for the release of a new product.

              No details on what the product is and no hints.


                YOU'LL BE THE FIRST TO KNOW

                Exciting things are happening at Thermapen this summer! As our wonderful subscribers, you'll be the first to find out.

                Don't miss our big announcement this Friday, and keep an eye on the Thermapen socials in the coming weeks for opportunities to get involved and win some exclusive prizes.


                  I don’t know what the new product will be, but I do know it will be on sale often once released.


                    I agree w/ Donw, and I suggest if the new product (surely a new Thermapen) is something you want, then wait to buy it for a few months when it drops and becomes avail in more colors.


                    • Huskee
                      Huskee commented
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                      Attjack Ha! That was me with their infrared forehead thermo when it came out. I wanted a reputable one, and TWorks is as reputable as any, so I bought it for $90 or $99. 2 or 3 months later it was $69. Oh well.

                    • Attjack
                      Attjack commented
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                      I will try to heed the advice but if it comes in blue at launch we will see what happens 😂

                    • Atalanta
                      Atalanta commented
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                      Attjack - It comes in blue LOL

                    I would buy a thermo pop every day over a thermo pen of any sort.


                    • HawkerXP
                      HawkerXP commented
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                      Sale on everything at Thermoworks now! 18% off

                      I know someone's brother with a new Weber who could use a Pop and a Dot!
                      Last edited by HawkerXP; June 23, 2021, 07:13 AM. Reason: oops ended last night....sorry

                    • Huskee
                      Huskee commented
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                      I don't remember the Classic, (mine's on permanent load to a friend) but with the mk4 you don't have to close it, it times out and you just pick it up and it comes back on, FWIW. Anyway, yes, the Pop is a fine tool as well.

                    • Attjack
                      Attjack commented
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                      The ThermoPop is great. I keep one in a drawer next to the stove, I keep one in my camping kit, and I have one at the cabin. But the MK4 is better. It's faster, it's longer, it's 1 piece instead of 2. If and when I purchase this new thermometer I'll have to decide where the MK4 goes, kitchen or cabin?

                    Intriguing. Usually a company doesn't completely close out such a widely used, iconic product such as the Thermapen unless the new product does everything the original one does plus more at an equivalent or lower price. Or has a new feature that obsoletes the older one. Some ideas: much smaller form, wireless, built in temp guide, or of course, has an an app!


                    • Alphonse
                      Alphonse commented
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                      We shall know by 8 a.m. manana!

                    • Huskee
                      Huskee commented
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                      I could go for one a touch slimmer for sure. Maybe a switchblade probe! I also wonder if they're incorporating the infrared into one end as a standard inclusion. Hmmm, fun to speculate.

                    Harry Soo just dropped a review video, I am guessing this is the big news:

                    Specializing in cool, unique and professional temperature tools. Super-Fast thermocouples, thermistors, infrared thermometers, data logging and more.


                    • Panhead John
                      Panhead John commented
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                      Wow! One second readings? If true, that’s incredible.

                    They just announced the Thermapen One. It's a couple bucks more than the 4's original price. I'm debating getting a 4 at the discounted price.

                    ONE. Second. Readings.
                    Thermapen ONE almost moves at the speed of thought...allowing you to focus exclusively on the quality of your work.

                    More Accurate
                    With an improved accuracy spec of ± 0.5°F (± 0.3°C), you’ll know your lightning fast Thermapen ONE readings are always accurate, as well.

                    Brighter Backlight
                    The automatic backlight is brighter and the light sensor is more sensitive to changes in ambient lighting conditions.

                    5-Year Warranty
                    The newly designed rugged, waterproof case features a 5-year warranty against defects.

                    With a newly designed battery compartment for easier access to the user settings and all the amazing features you loved in the Thermapen Mk4—auto-rotating display, motion-sensing sleep and wake mode, waterproof to IP67, NIST-traceable calibration certificate—you'll need to get ONE for yourself to understand the power of sub-second performance.



                    No announcement yet.