P. T. Barnum said there was one born every minute but not all suckers are equal. I'm talking about the small, hand-held vacuum sealers for sous-vide or storage bags. I've bought three of them in the last two years.

After about 18 months of use, this first one cracked at the base where the sealer meets the bag valve and so quit drawing a vacuum.

This second one wont charge anymore. I've had it less than 6 months.

I just bought this version 3.0 and it feels as though it will be my last for a few years.
I bought them all on Amazon. The first two came in a kit with several dozen SV bags and were in the $20 price range. I don't recall the brands. They are made exclusively from plastic. The last one is a Vesta brand which came with just a few SV or storage bags and was $28. It has a metal exterior housing and feels quite substantial. They all recharge using a mini USB connection.
If you're in the market for one of theses little sealers, just skip right to the Vesta and be done with it.
After about 18 months of use, this first one cracked at the base where the sealer meets the bag valve and so quit drawing a vacuum.
This second one wont charge anymore. I've had it less than 6 months.
I just bought this version 3.0 and it feels as though it will be my last for a few years.
I bought them all on Amazon. The first two came in a kit with several dozen SV bags and were in the $20 price range. I don't recall the brands. They are made exclusively from plastic. The last one is a Vesta brand which came with just a few SV or storage bags and was $28. It has a metal exterior housing and feels quite substantial. They all recharge using a mini USB connection.
If you're in the market for one of theses little sealers, just skip right to the Vesta and be done with it.