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After the big chill

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    After the big chill

    How do you bring steak back up to serving temperature after the big chill?

    I've got 20 or so folks coming for dinner Sunday night. I'm going to do ribs and steak. Should I SV the steak and chill/refridgerate in advance? I will cook ribs first and cambro them. Then put a sear on the steaks. What I don't know is how to bring the steaks up to serving temperature. Will searing them warm them up enough? (I don't think so, they are typically 1.5 inches thick).

    Seems easier to leave them in the hot tub and go directly to a sear given all the moving parts I will have going on with a dinner that size. I know I sacrifice quality if I do that but I feel more confident.

    Also thinking of doing a brisket first, cambro it in our warming drawer at 160 for up to 6 hours, then do the baby backs, then sear some steaks.

    Opinions welcome

    If your people like crust. Chill, Sear a lot and serve.. the cold keeps the meat out of the danger zone and the sear brings it up to a desirable eating temp. The SV cleared the hurdle of time and temp rendering it safe especially since you prefer higher internal temps.

    Do you ribs as you as you know how and keep your SV meat standing by. You will nail them both!! Hold the ribs and Maketh Meat!


    • Hugh
      Hugh commented
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      Much thanks HouseHomey

    • HouseHomey
      HouseHomey commented
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      Hugh I say that because the steak is going to be the most expensive part, not the ribs. You can to the steaks the day before and bring them back up to temp in the same bag with the SV then Sear. I would make the ribs, hold and focus on the money.

    How do ribs fare when kept in the warming tray? It will take me a bit of time to sear the nine steaks on the chimney. If I wrap the ribs in foil and put them in a 160 degree warming tray they should be good for 1/2 an hour shouldn't they?


    • EdF
      EdF commented
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    Double wrap with whatever liquid you like. Beer, apple juice, apple cider vinger.


      Ok, thanks guys



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