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Joule 20% off on Amazon

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    Joule 20% off on Amazon

    Don't know how long it will last, but the Joule is currently 20% off on Amazon today if interested. (white) (stainless)

    Yep, that's a legit sale and a good one. Definitely snap it up! I love mine.


      I have 2 Joules - really good units.


        I just got a Anova. Man. I need to wait a day. If the sale is there tomorrow, I may break down and get it.


          If only that was also included on UK Amazon. :/ I have been looking at a Sous-vide for ages now and still can't decide whether to go for something cheaper to see how much I use it or if I should just bite the bullet and spend the £100+ on an Anova...


            Thanks so much for the link on the Sous Vide. I almost pulled the trigger last Christmas and this year I said, what the heck! I did chicken breasts for the first run and seared them on the grill. Turned out fantastic! Using the app made it easy and no mess to clean up! This website rocks.

            My Kamado Joe Jr. will be here tomorrow, so it’s playtime on the back porch. If this keeps up, I’m going to have to start wearing striped shirts so my wife can tell if I’m walking or rolling!
            Last edited by Yohawk; December 8, 2021, 11:56 AM.


              Sam's club has a deal going on the Anova - $99

              Anova Sous Vide Kit with Precision Cooker Nano and 12L Container - Sam's Club (


              • Thunder77
                Thunder77 commented
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                I bought the Nano a few years back. It works well enough, but I was VERY DISAPPOINTED that they put a fixed clamp on it instead of a movable one.

              Great deal! Love my Joule.


                The Anova is also on sale for a little less; it is 1000W vs 1100W for the Joule. My Anova is making strange noises; it sounds like the blade is hitting the housing but I can't figure out what is going on. I have taken it apart and the shafts are straight. Anyway I am not so trusting of it on long cooks anymore. So I have a question - is the extra 100W worth the 20 bucks - $139 for Anova, $159 for Joule?


                • klflowers
                  klflowers commented
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                  STEbbq thanks. The Anova app is not so good, but ivhave had mine for years and it only works either Bluetooth. The new app is wi fi, but I think I will give the joule a try.

                • DaveD
                  DaveD commented
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                  Absolutely agree on the Joule with its app. So slick, very easy to use, very controllable, very consistent. We've had ours for a few years now and it has been a total game-changer.

                • snowswamp
                  snowswamp commented
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                  I have the Anova cooker and also use the Joule app. The Joule app doesn’t control the Anova, but I use the recipe info to set my Anova as needed. I would have gotten the Joule, but this sale came after the sale when I got my Anova (which I do not regret getting).
                  Last edited by snowswamp; December 7, 2021, 02:54 PM.

                The Anova kit includes a large container, rack and lid which sells for $50+ separately. I haven’t had mine long enough to rate it but so far so good.


                  Dang - those seem expensive, even on sale. Not that it is any help, but I paid $37.50 for my Gramercy several years ago on an Amazon lightning deal. It works great...too bad they aren't available...

                  This one looks the same, maybe even came out of the same factory,,,
                  Last edited by treesmacker; December 7, 2021, 12:09 AM.


                    I hear nothing but good things about the Joule, but I just don't understand the there are no buttons hook it up to your phone thing. I bought an Anova, so I could just turn it on.



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