Hey Guys - thinking about obtaining a smokenator - curreintly using the charcoal baskets that came with my 26.75 weber and having good success ...
I also run a Cyber Q to help maintain temps ... would this new toy be of any benefit ?????
Weber Performer * Cajun Bandit * 18.5 WSM * WSM Mini
Maverick ET-732 * Maverick DT-09 * ThermoWorks RT301WA
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale * Shock Top Belgian White
I just bought a 26.75 Weber yesterday and I was thinking about buying a smokenator until I read this post. What type of brick are you using? I am assuming you can't just use any old brick.
I bought some fire bricks @ Menards's for my 26.75" OTG and they worked great! I toyed around with the setup for the better part of a day smoking 3 racks of ribs, a sirloin roast, a whole chicken breast and a salmon filet. At first I was struggling to keep the temps below 300* until I put a disposable pan above the coals. After that I was able to regulate the lower temps, finally settling in between 225* & 240*. Since it was a cool day I didn't have to use any water in the pan. I also I had 2 drip pans, but they were empty as well. This week I am going to do a test run on a whole turkey breast, another sirloin roast and whatever else is in the fridge. For $15 I spent on the fire bricks (6 to a box and only used 2, but I'm sure I will eventually drop one and break it so I will have some spares), it was money well spent. I will take the savings from not purchasing a Smokenator and buy goodies to toss on the grill. Just my 2¢.
Nothing against the Smokenator (I own one and am willing to sell it!), but...
There is a new device out there that's half the price and a couple of orders of magnitude more useful.
It's called the Vortex, and it's made by a guy down in Casa Grande, AZ who goes by the online handle of Thunderdome. Attachments are super limited in size, so I can't upload the PDF file that shows the many different ways to use it. Just Google "Thunderdome Vortex" and you will see his blog. Check it out. I own 3, a prototype and 2 of the shipping versions (I have 2 Weber kettles). They're $30 each at MadHunkyMeats [dot] com.
If you buy one, and you own a Smokenator, I can promise you that your Smokenator will end up on Craig's List.
All of that said, using a fire brick to create the 2-zone cook is a great idea!
This is the first I have seen of that vortex. It looks like the perfect tool for reverse searing a steak. I was thinking about cutting my chimney in half and buying a new one, this thing seems like it's a step up. I'm not sure it will replace my smokenator, but once I get a PBC that won't matter.
I just ordered the Vortex last week after watching it on Youtube. And I have the Smokenator. Which now means I will probably need to get another Weber so I can use both!
I have had a Smokenator for 3-4 years and love it. MH highly recommends it as well. I use the SN in conjunction with the Party Q from BBQ Guru and have had great results. No temp swings beyond 5-10 degrees.
That being said, I might get a Vortex for my other Weber
I love my Smokenator. I just got a Vortex a couple of weeks ago. It is the balls for searing. I do a lot of flank steaks. I two nights ago I got the best sear I have ever gotten and it was still rare! I had to move it off to the side and put the cover on to let it come to medium. Very fast.