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Spatchcock Scissors....Your Recommendations?

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    Spatchcock Scissors....Your Recommendations?

    All this spatchcock talk today and over Thanksgiving has me wanting to try it with my next chicken. What are your recommendations on the best scissors for this? Something super sharp and easy to cut through the bones is my criteria of course. Also, if you have any good grilling ideas for the chicken on my kettle, that’d be great too! Thanks
    BradNorthGA ​​​​​​
    Thought I’d tag you since you mentioned the scissors you used weren’t any good.
    Last edited by Panhead John; December 18, 2020, 03:48 PM.

    Big fan of the Shun kitchen shears:

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    • EdF
      EdF commented
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      Don't underestimate the value of that notch you see on the blade for trimming poultry.

    • Panhead John
      Panhead John commented
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      Thanks Ed. Just noticed it now that you pointed it out. How’s that help?

    • Davek8282
      Davek8282 commented
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      + on the Shun as well. the notch is for cutting through heavier bones. Easy to take apart and clean which is important as well.

    Any sturdy kitchen shears. Sturdy is the key. Also make sure the grip and finger holes fit your hand and fingers. You need to be able have a good grip and squeeze pretty hard.



      I have these and they work very well, Meathead recommended them on the free side for kitchen gadgets


      • Alabama Smoke
        Alabama Smoke commented
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        I have one of these and will indicate mine did work well for I guess about 4 cooks. Then, somehow, the spring that causes the two sides of the shears to open up after being squeezed somehow came out in the drawer, dishwasher, somewhere.....anyway now I have to pull the two sided apart at the handles in order to get it to open for the next squeeze. If you buy this one watch out for that! I will likely get something else next time.

      • NCSmokin
        NCSmokin commented
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        I have the same pair easy to use and clean.

      • ItsAllGoneToTheDogs
        ItsAllGoneToTheDogs commented
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        those are what I have as well, they work really good but I don't use them as often as others. I suspect if you use them a lot that a more high quality brand like listed above my be better.

      I have a pair of Wustof shears - Wusthof 8” Come-Apart Kitchen Shears, Red 5558-R

      they are pretty good and I’ve cut many a chicken with them. I’d say chicken is about the toughest job they could handle, so you have a reference point. But, I’ve found the key is just cutting deeper into the v for the thicker bones and it works well.


      • texastweeter
        texastweeter commented
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        I have 2 pairs of them, the rubber coated handles and the hard plastic ones. I don't like them for spatchcocking chickens, and REALLY don't like them for turkeys/geese/ducks. It takes an excessive amount of pressure, and the handles don't fit my hands well.

      I have the Wustof shears also. But if it's a tuff old bird I have bulldog snips!


        I have used a set of Fiskars pruning shears for this for quite awhile now. Does a nice job even on thick turkey bones, and cuts through chicken ribs like construction paper.


        • CaptainMike
          CaptainMike commented
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          This is what I use as well.

        • Huskee
          Huskee commented
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          I too have my pruning shears/limb loppers. I couldn't find kitchen scissors that worked good enough but them babies will bust through any bone.

        • Texas Larry
          Texas Larry commented
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          Same here. Sometimes go with a serrated bread knife.
          Last edited by Texas Larry; February 16, 2021, 02:16 PM.

        I will second these Oxo shears:

        If the bird gets much over 15 lbs there aren't really any shears that easily go through the bones but anything smaller than that and these do the job. They don't do a great job cutting the skin though.


          I have a pair that's been serving me well for over 30 years. Unfortunately, the label has long since worn off.


            I had a pair that never worked very well. After watching a butcher on YouTube do it with a knife, I found the knife method easier and faster.
            Last edited by LA Pork Butt; December 19, 2020, 06:32 AM.


            • surfdog
              surfdog commented
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              Still my fave... A good sturdy knife or cleaver and it’s done quickly & without much fuss. As a bonus, I don’t need to take anything apart to clean up.

            Sharp isn’t as important. Think of a cleaver. Not sharp but a lot of weight and sturdy. I’d look for shears that have a wide blade where you can exert a lot of leverage. I have no complaints with my shuns—ATK recommended


              For chickens I use the same Lamsonsharp shears I use for everything else.

              for turkeys I use a cable/bolt cutter. Much easier.


                Here you go John ....

                In all seriousness I actually had to use these on a turkey one year !!!


                • Polarbear777
                  Polarbear777 commented
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                  Similar to mine. :-)

                • Panhead John
                  Panhead John commented
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                  Steve, I’d pay good money to have seen that! 😂

                • TheQuietOne
                  TheQuietOne commented
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                  That's brilliant! I would have never thought I have the solution to spatchcocking a stubborn turkey right in the garden shed.

                I have a Fiskars kitchen shears and they work fine for many jobs, but not for spatchcocking poultry. If I had to use shears for poultry, I'd be looking for something more like my Felco garden pruning shears or Steve R's loppers -- something with shorter blades and a LOT more leverage. Since I don't spatchcock poultry very often, I haven't wanted to dedicate a pruning shears for food-only use.

                Instead I make the cut down the backbone with an old chef's knife that I keep around for difficult jobs like this. If it's a big bird like the 15 lb turkeys I did for T'giving I've been known to add some extra encouragement with a rawhide mallet.


                • Steve R.
                  Steve R. commented
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                  I don't actually use lopping shears, btw. Mine are the hand pruner style that I can keep in a drawer in the kitchen.

                • IowaGirl
                  IowaGirl commented
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                  Pruners are more my style!

                • Mr. Bones
                  Mr. Bones commented
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                  +1 fer addin in Rawhide Mallets lol

                  You GO, Sister!

                For chicken I recommend these:

                But for turkey, I find these more effective.
                Click image for larger version

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