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Steak knives: love 'em or toss 'em?

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    Steak knives: love 'em or toss 'em?

    Spinning off of Panhead John 's thread about knife blocks and their assorted pros and cons....

    Do we truly need steak knives? If our steaks are selected and cooked properly (as The Pit requires) --- then isn't a steak knife completely unnecessary?

    One thought is that steak knives are reminders of eating at Fancy Restaurants where you get a knife that won't be used for anything else. No roll buttering, no salad shoving.

    Another thought is that a knife dedicated to cutting meat is needed in lieu of using the everyday knife that may not have enough serration to be able to cut a steak at all

    Let's keep going: steak knives are needed if you're eating steaks that are well-done or otherwise tougher than shoe leather.

    We own more than one steak knife, and use them regularly
    We own more than one steak knife, and practically never use them
    We have just one steak knife, but only used as needed
    Steak knife? Bah. I eat steak with my bare hands, as taught by my Pappy

    I believe that a quality steak DESERVES a quality steak knife as part of the experience.


      They look good and everything, but I practically never use them. The meat is tender enough already, so it feels more like a show off thing. Once in a blue moon when we have guests, and I remember that we have them, I bring them out.


        I'm more in rodkeary's camp. We got a nice quality set in 2020 for Christmas and we use them for anything that a butter knife would mangle. That includes chicken, pork and yes, steak.


          I don't see Meathead's steak knives on the right side margin anymore. Are they still available, and has anyone ever used them?


          They're good for more than just steak.


            If a steak knife is tender enough to cut with a fork, something is wrong. I don't want my steak to be pot roast and I want clean bites when I cut. Why wouldn't I want to use a sharp knife?

            I don't want to mangle my meat when I cut it, I want clean cuts which means a sharp knife. The only knives that I have which are meant for table use and are actually *sharp* are steak knives. Mind you, they're not the oversize things you get at some restaurants, but they're also... sharp knives.
            Last edited by rickgregory; January 3, 2022, 11:38 AM.


              We don't own any "high-end" steak knives. If we did, I could never bring myself to cut on a plate with them.

              We do own:
              1. An old set of Gerber MIMING steak knives. They were a wedding gift, look nice, cut like crap, are virtually un-resharpenable, and never get used. Still, they occupy much-needed space in a drawer (I've learned to pick my battles).
              2. An almost-as-old set of stamped Henckels that get used both as steak knives and as little kitchen knives that can be thrown in the dishwasher. These, I actually do recommend.
              3. An old set of stamped things (probably from the grocery store) that look like knives but can't be because you can't cut anything with them. SWMBO considers them indispensable, though ... so they're still around. About once a year I try to throw them out ... hoping she won't notice ... but then she does and it's back in the doghouse for me.


                Also, I don't really get the poll options. "one" vs "more than one" - I mean, I own several, but they're all the same kind. Who'd own a single knife?


                • rickgregory
                  rickgregory commented
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                  ecowper - I guess, but it's not really clear and that lack splits the Pro vote vs the Con vote. Also, it's a different question from whether I use steak knives or not.

                • WillTravelForFood
                  WillTravelForFood commented
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                  rickgregory : we only have one steak knife, probably purloined from some forgotten restaurant in a fit of mischivery.

                • Old Glory
                  Old Glory commented
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                  Agreed. I answered that I have one set of steak knives. Not one knife.

                I bought a set of AmazonBasics steak knives a couple of years ago, and we use them regularly when eating steak or pork chops. They are decently sharp, and the price was right, and they even look and feel more expensive (to me) than they were:

                We don't need them for stuff like brisket or prime rib, but when I cook regular old steaks, I am not precutting them, and each person gets their own hunk of beef, along with a fork and steak knife. The only steaks I pre-cut on a cutting board are things like a flank steak or London broil. Even cooked medium rare, I can't see cutting up a 1 pound ribeye or NY strip, even prime grade, without a knife.


                  My everyday cutlery (Walmart stainless stuff) has dull fine serrated knives - I call them butter knives although they are dinner knives. I would never use them on steak, even tender steak because they don't cut well.

                  I have 3 sets of steak knives I break out when grilling for company: fancy set as part of my sterling set, a nice all around stainless set I inherited, and 4 that came with a kickstarter set I bought - they are Damascus. When I'm by myself I often use a paring knife or the Damascus steak knife since they within easy reach in a block on the kitchen island.



                    Love them, they look fancy but have synthetic handles so wife can happily put them in the dishwasher without me getting upset.


                      I have some really cheap steak knives I got from someone. I really can't even remember where I got them. I just googled, "Cheap Steak Knives" and these came up. LOL Yep, these are the ones I have and they work great.

                      While I think it is important to have a nice, quality knife for everyday work in the kitchen.......steak knives? Go cheap as possible. Who cares what you use to saw though the meat, potatoes or anything else. As long as it is serrated, you are good.
                      Click image for larger version

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                      • jlazar
                        jlazar commented
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                        We have a similar set we got a Costco about 10 years ago for around $20. They work great - never been sharpened.

                      • Spinaker
                        Spinaker commented
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                        Yep! I think that is what these went for as well. Cheapo, to the max, but the work just fine. jlazar

                      • glitchy
                        glitchy commented
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                        LOL, that’s the same set I linked above.

                      I love a sharp knife even with tender meats.
                      I would like a set of non-serrated steak knifes of good quality but prices are pretty high. If anyone knows of a good set for the money let me know. Thanks


                        I’m confused. Is a steak knife serrated? If so, I don’t have them, unless you count the ones I use to cut bread and tomatoes. I have some very sharp non serrated knives I use on meat that I always called steak knives. I couldn’t live without those, and of course, paired with a butter knife!


                        • Old Glory
                          Old Glory commented
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                          Can be serrated or not serrated. Generally just a set of knives designed and dedicated to cutting protein on a plate.

                        • smokenoob
                          smokenoob commented
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                          Old Glory OK then, Yes, I need a steak knife when cutting a nice hunk of meat!

                        • smokenoob
                          smokenoob commented
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                          I voted we have one steak knife, but that is per setting! Who the heck would have just one for the whole table? ….I’m easily confused 😂


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