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Cleaver Reccomendations

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    Cleaver Reccomendations

    Time to replace my cleaver. Pretty set on the Dexter Russell meat cleaver, just don't know what size. Will be used for hacking bones and joints when processing large cuts of red meat and or wild game. What sizes do all of you use and what do you think of them pros and cons?

    I was always partial to Wally over Ward.


    • texastweeter
      texastweeter commented
      Editing a comment

    Man, reminds me of those super cool space age knives someone here bought recently but I cannot find the thread.


      Not looking for space age, just something to replace my antique carbon steel one that took a nasty crack whacking through a hot femur.


        I just grabbed a cheap one at the local Asian market. The big ones (99 Ranch, H mart and the like) usually have a section with cookware and some cleavers. $20 or so and I grabbed a stainless that is sharp, decent balance and that I don't care about so much that I am afraid to whack and bones with it.


        • texastweeter
          texastweeter commented
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          How's the temper. Used a cheap one once that I picked up at a department store on a cook that I forgot mine for. Edge rolled horribly first good swing.

        • rickgregory
          rickgregory commented
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          This one seems fine. Mind you, I push though bones on birds (chicken, etc), and don't try to cut through larger bones and the like. The heavy cleavers are used for chopping birds up and the like so I think they tend to be good in that respect.

          OH - be careful you don't grab a traditional Chinese cleavers that are thing and that Chinese cooks use as we use chef's knives. Those won't hold up to what you want to do.
          Last edited by rickgregory; October 24, 2021, 09:52 PM.

        BTW, this might help

        sadly, the Munetoshi they mention is out of stock.


          If I had unlimited resources I would have a few of these just for the history.
          Yes the prices are ridiculous but the process to restore is interesting.
          American culinary History seemingly comes at a cost.

          Refurbished Cleavers: Remaking yesterday’s “American Made” antiques for today. “American made” and “built to last.” These words are more than just catchphrases when it comes to our collection of refurbished cleavers. At New West KnifeWorks, we value the ancient tradition of knife-making even as we forge new paths of innovation.


            Nope just looking for a workhorse.


              ATK likes this one from Lamson. It’s recommended as a Best Buy. Shun and Global are slightly higher rated but are also quite a bit more expensive.


                Look for ‘F. Dick’ cleavers to see if you find one you like in weight and size for the money you want to spend. German made.

                edit: The ones to look for are not the ones listed on Amazon. Butcher supply houses will probably have them.
                Last edited by Donw; October 25, 2021, 07:28 AM.


                  Don't overlook Victorinox Fibrox Kitchen Cleaver in black - 5.4003.18
                  Victorinox knives, the best bang for the buck, IMHO.
                  Last edited by bbqLuv; October 25, 2021, 07:29 AM.


                    We’ll you could get this wild Obliterator cleaver from Dalstrong…
                    Attached Files


                      I do not have a lot of experience with cleavers, but: If you are hacking bones and processing large cuts, I'd go bigger and heavier. Bigger and heavier gives more force. If you need more precision, smaller and lighter is easier to control.

                      Perhaps get one bigger and one smaller and learn which is better for different jobs as you encounter them.
                      Last edited by Murdy; October 25, 2021, 02:15 PM.


                        I really liked mine. Unfortunately last night I ruined the blade chopping a dog chew in half.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	61lRQUa1FsL._AC_SL1500_.jpg
Views:	269
Size:	21.8 KB
ID:	1115541


                        • texastweeter
                          texastweeter commented
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                          That is a Chinese cleaver, probably very thin. It is great for vegetable work, but my MAC santaku gets that job.

                        Originally posted by StrikeBBQ View Post
                        We’ll you could get this wild Obliterator cleaver from Dalstrong…
                        Dalstrong blades seem to be high quality and are reasonably affordable. They generally have silly names and often look like a weapon that only a Klingon could love. I have this one:

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	7D2EF4A5-9273-4950-AA5F-512F9C0CAEA0_1_201_a.jpeg
Views:	274
Size:	267.2 KB
ID:	1115549

                        ... and while I haven't broken down any steers with it, I've been very pleased with the results I get on birds, fish, and sturdy veggies (where the rounded tip often helps a bit). I also like the fact that my BIL always looks a bit worried when I wave it around .


                        • texastweeter
                          texastweeter commented
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                          I have their shogun slicer. Fairly nice brisket slicer.

                        • StrikeBBQ
                          StrikeBBQ commented
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                          I have several Dalstrong knives from the Gladiator cleaver to the Shogun slicer. I love the quality, ability to select from German to Japanese steel. Best customer service in the industry.


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