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After 7.5 months, my new cooker finally arrived

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    After 7.5 months, my new cooker finally arrived

    I'm not sure what ever inspired me to order this or what I'll likely ever use it for, but my Misen Dutch Oven finally showed up today. Now I have to remember what in the world I convinced myself I needed one for to begin with so it doesn't get forgotten in the dining room cabinet I've already tucked it into.
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    If I recall correctly, they had a follow up thing two where you could order a second lid to have both a 'grill' lid and a standard lid and somehow convinced me that I a grill lid too. So, sometime down the road there will be another package. I should probably seek help.


      I can't help you with this one. But I will say I have all of their pans and love em all.


        Glad to see I'm not the only one who buys something because I CAN'T DO WITHOUT IT! Then it just sits unused.


          "Seek and you shall find"

          Nobody said it will stick!


            Still awaiting mine.


            • glitchy
              glitchy commented
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              I thought they said that all the pre orders should be rolling soon? Or did you order one of the special colors?

            • 58limited
              58limited commented
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              Special color. I'm happy with every Misen item I have. I know they had an issue with some of their knives but I have the complete set and they are great! The carbon steel pans are nice too.
              Last edited by 58limited; May 1, 2021, 01:54 PM.

            DO's are so versatile, I use mine weekly.


            • glitchy
              glitchy commented
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              What types of things do you do in it? What makes it cook better than a crock pot? Just trying to figure out what I need to be using it for since I couldn’t live without it.

            • lostclusters
              lostclusters commented
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              glitchy You can not put a crock pot in a fire. And I would not want to make a cobbler in a crock pot.

            I have a brand new heavy-duty large CI one and a ceramic purdy red one from Lodge, plus an old medium-sized one. ..and I just don't use 'em. I always want to, just don't...yet.


            • FireMan
              FireMan commented
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              Yet! All you need is a round to-it & you are ready to go.

            DO is my standard pot for making chile, beans, soup...pretty much anything that requires stovetop cooking for more than 30 mins. And it has the benefit of being able to be shoved in the oven.


            • JCBBQ
              JCBBQ commented
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            Got mine about two weeks ago. Standard Misen blue.
            Seems nicely made, better than my Tramontina and Lodge but still prefer my Le Cresusets.
            First use was a big batch of marinara. Cleaned up very easily and zero staining.


              Lots of people (some members included) make bread in their DO. Any slow braze is a DO opportunity. I don't use mine weekly, but I use it enough to make me glad I have it.


              • STEbbq
                STEbbq commented
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                Yea, the wife makes bread in hers.

              First thing I thought of was Baked Beans with a ham hock.


                On my wish list of things to get, but already getting a few complaints for the amount of cupboard space my stuff takes up.


                  I got mine yesterday. Plan to use it for lots of things...just not real sure what yet. LOL! I am waiting for my Camp Chef 36 with Sidekick to use it on. So far I am a propane and pellets Q'er. I think I used charcoal a few times back in the 70's.


                    Mine showed up last Friday, and got used Sunday to make a big mess of Mexican rice (saute the rice in butter, then add water and seasonings). I ordered it because it seemed like a good deal for a high quality enamel dutch oven to have in addition to my 5 quart Lodge. After a lot of thought, I just stuck with the regular lid, skipping the grill lid. I've got skillets, and a stove top griddle with a flip side that has grill ridges. Just didn't see need for a grill pan. Heck - I am not sure why I need the silicone lid, with a standard dutch oven lid, but it might be useful on other pots and skillets.

                    We got the red one - I preferred blue or gray, but when I ran the color choices past my wife, she preferred red, so I deferred to her. It's been sitting on the stove top since Sunday, after being washed, as I have yet to clear cabinet space for it. Planning on tossing a 5 or 6 quart stainless dutch oven to make room for it.

                    I expect to use this a lot for soups, chili's, and one pot meals. I don't plan on taking it out to the grill though - that is what my uncoated Lodge dutch oven is for.
                    Last edited by jfmorris; May 5, 2021, 08:52 PM.



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