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Hand Mixer Recommendations

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    Hand Mixer Recommendations

    So my hand mixer died yesterday. Thoughts on a new one? BF thought he could fix it.

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ID:	958402

    Wow that looks familiar. LOL. I think I've done that with few appliances in the past.

    Can't help you with a suggestion though since mine is a puke green 1970 GE hand mixer my mother gave me and it's still going strong.


      I'm pretty sure it's the law that you do not buy one, but instead must be gifted one, like with a fancy pen or set of measuring spoons. I'm also thinking ours just exists in the back of the cupboard somewhere as a mystery to who bought it and when, why that particular one, and how long it's been there. I know it is white.


        Click image for larger version

Name:	C4180AA1-B278-4B31-A268-BAA4DEAACEB3.jpeg
Views:	283
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ID:	958422Click image for larger version

Name:	F6CFFBF9-B8DA-4306-8C2F-04F536BF4051.jpeg
Views:	281
Size:	167.5 KB
ID:	958423 Easy to clean


        • barelfly
          barelfly commented
          Editing a comment
          This may just be the most versatile thing in my kitchen. I Love it!

        • Mojo0209
          Mojo0209 commented
          Editing a comment
          We use ours a lot. If is easy to clean

        • Richard Chrz
          Richard Chrz commented
          Editing a comment
          This is my preferred method for sure.

        I have an immersion blender and I love it. I’m talking about one of these.

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ID:	958444


        • Jim White
          Jim White commented
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          Bought my daughter a hand held KitchenAid a little over a year ago. Don't remember which model, but she likes it.

        • ofelles
          ofelles commented
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          I have one one these also. works great

        I usually start at The Wirecutter when looking for stuff like this but make sure to read the comments too. They often go for pricey stuff but the Competition section is useful too. Here's Hand Mixers


          I have an older Viking hand mixer, 9 speed, digital face. 250wt motor - it’s a horse, but I don’t use it often. But it works great when my wife or I do use it. Also nice to be able to wind the cord into the body housing.

          Click image for larger version

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ID:	958476


          • Richard Chrz
            Richard Chrz commented
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            I can not use these;

          This right one mixes a little better than th left one although they work well together. Click image for larger version

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ID:	958493Click image for larger version

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Views:	256
Size:	133.1 KB
ID:	958494


          • scottranda
            scottranda commented
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            My first thought when I saw this reply: "son of a gun, he’s done it again!" Well played sir!

          • Huskee
            Huskee commented
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            Left one probably smells like onions

          • FireMan
            FireMan commented
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            Hey, I can crush an onion with one simple squeeze.

          Wow, that’s quite the eh...hmmm...yeah...what a mess. LOL

          But sorry, I’m no help...I’ve not used a hand mixer in years. The closest I get is an immersion blender or whisk. The stand mixer handles everything else. I have a friend that has what I think is a kitchenaid and they seem to like it.


            It reminds me of a time many years ago when my uncle was mixing up some sort of batter with a hand mixer. Someone in those days had a weird design where the cord unplugged from the mixer end as well as the wall end. Well, my uncle came out of the kitchen and said "I almost killed myself". The cord unplugged from the mixer and fell into the batter and since my family are batter lickers from way back he started licking it off with it still plugged into the wall. So, no help at all helping you select a mixer but something about Christmas has me in a nostalgic mood.


              I cant speak of brands. But, from hand fatigue side. I no longer use the two beater electric mixer, i use a Braun stick, or counter stand mixer. I am so far happy with the Braun mixer, a lot less hand fatigue in holding that, then what I get with the standard 1950’s model design. So, if hand fatigue is a question....
              Last edited by Richard Chrz; December 20, 2020, 12:27 PM.


                Cordless and never needs a recharge.


                  I have a kitchenaid which I really like. Barbara has an oster that still works well from before we were together.



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