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Outdoor Kitchen Cabinet Roll Around.

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    Outdoor Kitchen Cabinet Roll Around.

    I saw this unit on another BBQ site and thought is was great so I purchased one $425 picked up at my local Sam's Club. This is the assembly thread on how it looks.

    Here is a picture of it.

    Noiw the unit weighs 300 lbs but has so much potential. It comes in two boxes strapped together. We cut the straps to load it in my truck and that heped get the weight done to about 150 lbs/box

    I took each box and opened them in the truck and unloaded the pieces.

    The heaviest piece was the butcher block top but, even that wasn't bad. the pics show it all unloaded into the garage.

    Since my Deck is on the second story I had to move it up the stairs before assembling it. And since it was raining yesterday and is still raining today I assembled it in the Kitchen with staging of parts in the great room. I assembled all the drawers first. The drawers are all flat to start with and after you bend and screw them together they are great.

    And the drawer front goes on.


      The heaviest piece is the butcher block top and the instructions are easy to follow and the design is excellent. You assemble it upside down in accordance with the plans.


        Then when you get the frame together and the wheels on you turn it over and install all the drawers.

        And install the drawer liners.

        Finished and ready to go outside.

        Outside where it will probably stay.

        8X10 Tarp covers it well.

        This complete my Kitchen for this year.


          Wow that is nice. Sure nuff got it going on with that thing.


            Thank Jrod!! The price was right but, you do get some sweat equity in it. About six hours to assemble for me. Worth every penny. This is a nice unit but not bullet proof. I don't beat up my equipment so it will be great. For those that tend to get over inebriated and like to break things I wouldn't recommend it.



              Can you please give me the dimensions? I want to make sure it will go where I need to go!


                Originally posted by fracmeister View Post
                Can you please give me the dimensions? I want to make sure it will go where I need to go!
                72" long without the handles. With both handles on 77.5" long, 20" deep and 37.5" high on my deck. If you aren't going to move it much the handles can be removed.


                  Nice Barry. But...define over-inebriated...


                  • Marauderer
                    Marauderer commented
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                    Wow! I guess I tipped over someones drink. You know some folks are good drunks and others are bad and like to beat things up and destroy them. Others don't need to get drunk to have a bad attitude and start abusing things. Over the years I have watched a bunch of folks party and most do well but, as you know, others don't. Kinda like there are those that can hold their liquor and those that can't. I am definitely not pointing fingers at anyone specific and have had those days in my earlier years where I have tried to wipe out all my brain cells in one good drunk. Can I change the subject now?

                  • Huskee
                    Huskee commented
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                    That sounds about right. I hate the feeling of being or approaching drunk. Especially a few hrs later. A pleasant whirl is all I care for when tipping back the beverages. Rarely do I get it from beer, I drink them for the taste. Whiskey however, you have to be a man of steel to not be affected by it.

                  Originally posted by Aaron 'Huskee' Lyons View Post
                  Nice Barry. But...define over-inebriated...
                  Yes IMWTK


                    You need a couple more umbrellas so you can move from the cookers to the new table without getting wet (or to cover the table when you roll it over)


                      Originally posted by The Burn View Post
                      You need a couple more umbrellas so you can move from the cookers to the new table without getting wet (or to cover the table when you roll it over)
                      TB, you are absolutely correct. I was at Lowes yesterday looking for a couple of marked down umbrellas. It would be nice to have the whoile deck covered but I need to get rid of the smoke. I am thinking about it and will post with pics when I Geterdone!!


                      • The Burn
                        The Burn commented
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                        It was said half in jest. Just having the deck and partial coverage is better than what I've got going right now.

                        I was lucky to find a 9-footer at HD a few weeks ago when they were closing out patio/garden stuff. Took a bit longer to find a base for it - ended up with a floor unit from Pier 1. What's up with the ridiculous idea that we should only be outside in the summer? Don't they know we've got year-round smokin' to do?!!

                      • Marauderer
                        Marauderer commented
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                        It was a great question and one my wife and I had been discussing. Yes, outdoor cooking is a year round sport and I really enjoy it. When I get the umbrellas done I will post the pics of how I mount them.

                      That's a NICE piece of gear. Thanks for sharing with all of us.


                        Today I stated to put stuff in it and here is the first load. I have a small DF Fryer that will hold 1.5 gal. of oil. I do not store it with the oil in it and only use the 2-3X max before changing it. The Wok, lots of utensils, and various baskets for veggies. Now that I know about the "Mat" I will be getting one that covers the RecTec completely and can sell the others. A few drip buckets. It gobble up all of that and nothing is in the small drawers or the large drawer and that is a lot of room. It is about 34 cubic feet. To put that in perspective a Lincoln Town car has a trunk the it 25 cubic ft.



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