The municipality next door to us has a pilot programme as part of their waste diversion effort in which they are subsidizing the cost of the VitaMix FoodCycler FC-50. These are normally $500 CAD but are offered through the programme for $169.50 CAD taxes in. The guy that does our lawn maintenance happens to live in that municipality and wasn't interested in one so he let me borrow his address in order to get one.
Did the first run last night and I have to say that I'm pretty impressed by the reduction in volume and the fact that aside from coffee, there really is no odour at all in the result. We'll be storing this stuff in an airtight container over the winter and using it in our gardens next spring. While it was running, I'd say that the noise was really no more than what you'd get from your average dish washer. Impressed so far.

Did the first run last night and I have to say that I'm pretty impressed by the reduction in volume and the fact that aside from coffee, there really is no odour at all in the result. We'll be storing this stuff in an airtight container over the winter and using it in our gardens next spring. While it was running, I'd say that the noise was really no more than what you'd get from your average dish washer. Impressed so far.

