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Probe Wipe ???

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    Probe Wipe ???

    In alcohol perp is 70% isopropyl alcohol and so is a thermometer prop wipe. Are they the same thing?

    Not sure. I use cooked meat to clean my probes.


      Dude, I figured you'd have this answer. lol lol lol

      I should clarify for cleaning insta reads.
      Last edited by Jon Solberg; August 18, 2014, 06:19 PM.


        Seriously, are you talking about the probes such as the Maverick BBQ probe?

        I hope not, I see no reason to clean them things other than a quick wipe with a paper towel.


          No I talking about insta read probes. Like thermapen. Theres room for cross contamination in there some place. Example: Doing chicken and check in its 140.

          I want to clean the probe before I recheck. Sure I can wipe it with a bar mop but... well you know.


            I use hard alcohol, I don't know if it does any good but I wipe them down with booze on a napkin or paper towel.


            • Jon Solberg
              Jon Solberg commented
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              I love the thinking in this!

            • Huskee
              Huskee commented
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              When you do that you're supposed to have a rocks glass. You dab some on a paper towel, then wipe the probe, then take a swig from the glass. Often a second or third swig is necessary. It's important to not mess this up for best results.

            I wipe my probes down with a wad of foil to remove any solids and crud, and that's it. The meat already had pathogens in it and gets hot enough to kill them, so it stands to reason the probes get 'cooked' too, and any germs on them are killed same as in the meat. I used to use Clorox wipes. Same ones I use to wipe the counter off after rib and pork butt taxidermy.


              I have a box of alcohol wipes my wife bought a couple of years ago that I've re-purposed for probe cleaning duties.


                From what I understand hot water and soap works ok, alcohol a little better. You really shouldn't be using the probe in raw meat, so it stands to reason that when you are testing, that you are close to getting rid of the bacteria that is bad.

                Meathead says to use a bleach solution - and I agree. I think alcohol can only do so much, and bleach gets 'er done better?

                And, from the CDC -


                  Agree bleach is better. Just seems difficult to manage when you working a couple of different proteins, sauces, whatever. I'm talking insta reads cleaning on the fly probably more so for cooking in gemeral.

                  I'll see what I can dig up on whats really in both wipes.
                  Last edited by Jon Solberg; August 19, 2014, 06:21 AM.


                    Ahhh instant reads, I was referring to my Maverick probes. Yes, my T-pop gets bleach wiped.


                      Thats seems pretty easy to manage with a clorox wipe.

                      I wont lie my Maverick probes get packed up in a sealed container and cleaned when I set up the next cook.

                      I see a research project in my future but dont worry I'll spare everyone the video
                      Last edited by Jon Solberg; August 19, 2014, 06:29 AM.


                        Bleach is a far better disinfectant than alcohol wipes, however it must noted that Clorox wipes and store brand "bleach" wipes do not contain sodium hypochlorite (bleach), they contain a similar disinfectant but it's not real bleach. Clorox relies on it's famous name to make you assume it's bleach. Real bleach will actually destroy spores, hospitals use real bleach wipes, and they destroy the grungiest of bugs. Anything on a instant read from undercooked chicken pokes should be killed by alcohol though. If we can use alcohol on your skin before jabbing a needle into it pushing surface germs into your blood stream, it will work on an instant read thermometer probe.


                        • Jon Solberg
                          Jon Solberg commented
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                          not to mention preps are pretty darn affordable.

                        Maybe you can get in touch with an alien or two and see what they use.


                          Click image for larger version

Name:	history_channel_aliens.jpg
Views:	164
Size:	47.0 KB
ID:	11361 111111


                          • Huskee
                            Huskee commented
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                            lol, yes, yes it is


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