I went through all the forum, but I found no mention of tube smokers. Is nobody here using one?
I use a regular smoker box on my Genesis, and so far while it works, it works only so long. Refilling is impossible at low heat, because it needs to sit below the grate and needs medium heat to start for good.
The smoker tubes like amazen promise to work for several hours and independent of the burner, so I should be able to reload it for really long cooks.
Yet if nobody here uses it, there seems to be a disadvantage. Or is it just the fact that you all use dedicated smokers?
Best regards,
I went through all the forum, but I found no mention of tube smokers. Is nobody here using one?
I use a regular smoker box on my Genesis, and so far while it works, it works only so long. Refilling is impossible at low heat, because it needs to sit below the grate and needs medium heat to start for good.
The smoker tubes like amazen promise to work for several hours and independent of the burner, so I should be able to reload it for really long cooks.
Yet if nobody here uses it, there seems to be a disadvantage. Or is it just the fact that you all use dedicated smokers?
Best regards,