My toys:
Weber Summit Charcoal Grilling Center (WSCGC) aka Mr. Fancypants
Pit Barrel Cooker (which rocks), named Pretty Baby
Weber Summit S650 Gas Grill, named Hot 'n Fast (used mostly for searing and griddling)
Weber Kettle Premium 22" named Kettle Kid, eager to horn in with more cooks in the future
Camp Chef Somerset IV 4-burner outdoor gas range named AfterBurner due to its 30kBTU burners
Adrenaline BBQ Company Gear:
SnS Low Profile, DnG, and Large Charcoal Basket, for WSCGC
SnS Deluxe for 22" Kettle
Elevated SS Rack for WSCGC
SS Rack for DnG
Cast Iron Griddle
Grill Grate for SnS
Grill Grates: five 17.375 sections (retired to storage)
Grill Grates: six 19.25 panels for exact fit for Summit S650
Grill Grates for 22" Kettle
2 Grill Grate Griddles
Steelmade Griddle for Summit gas grill
Fireboard Gear:
Extreme BBQ Thermometer Package
Additional control unit
Additional probes: Competition Probes 1" (3) and 4" (1), 3 additional Ambient Probes. 1 additional Food Probe
2 Driver Cables
Pit Viper Fan (to pair with Fireboard Fan Driver Cable)
Pit Viper Fan new design (to pair with Fireboard Fan Driver Cable)
Thermoworks Gear:
Thermapen MK4 (pink)
Thermapen Classic (pink too)
Thermoworks MK4 orange
Temp Test 2 Smart Thermometer
Extra Big and Loud Timer
Timestick Trio
Maverick ET 73 a little workhorse with limited range
Maverick ET 733
Maverick (Ivation) ET 732
Grill Pinz
Vortex (two of them)
18" drip pan for WSCGC
Ceramic Spacers for WSCGC in Kamado Mode: 2 sets each 1/2", 1", 2". The 2" spacers work best with the 18" drip pan. The 1+1/2 inch spacers work best with the 14 inch cake pan.
Two Joule Sous Vide devices
3 Lipavi Sous Vide Tubs with Lids: 12, 18 and 26 quarts
Avid Armor Ultra Pro V32 Chamber Sealer
Instant Pot 6 Quart Electric Pressure Cooker
Instant Pot 10 Quart Electric Pressure Cooker
Charcoal Companion TurboQue
A-Maze-N tube 12 inch tube smoker accessory for use with pellets
BBQ Dragon and Dragon Chimney
Shun Classic Series:
8" Chef Knife
6" Chef's Knife
Gokujo Boning and Fillet Knife
3 1/2 inch Paring Knife
I have my big freezer inventoried by shelf and position on shelf (right, left, center). The thing is so jammed full that I'd be lost without my shelf-by-shelf inventory. Try as I may, as soon as there is an opening, I seem to fill it. Sigh.
No, Draznnl , I do not have a form. I just write a separate list for each shelf and tape it to the side of the big freezer. The list has three columns which indicates where on the shelf each food is located left, center, right. As I remove a food, I cross it off the list, and of course do the reverse when adding a food to a particular shelf.
I solved, or more accurately prevented this problem by not having an extra freezer. Just the one on the kitchen fridge. It’s usually full or nearly full. If something is found on sale that I must have and it’s full I just cook it right away and eat it! If I had another I would just fill it like everyone else.
Thank you this is a great idea, especially for chest freezers. I took almost everything out of mine recently looking for frozen veggies I was convinced I still had. I didn't. This would have prevented that.
Why didn’t I think of this? What a great idea! We have three freezers and I couldn’t tell you half of what’s in them. We bought them in order to be able to take advantage of things on sale. There’s no telling what we’ll find when we inventory. It’s going to be fun. Thank You!
Retired, living in Western Mass. Enjoy music, cooking and my family.
Current cookers Weber Spirit 3 burner with a full insert griddle added. A 22" Kettle with vortex SnS and OnlyFire pizza oven. A Smokey Joe and the most recent addition a Pit Barrel Jr with bird hanger, 4 hooks and cover. ThermoWorks Smoke 2 probe, DOT, ThermoPops and a Thermapen MK4. 3 TempSpike wireless meat thermometers.
Thanks, my wife recently inventoried all the meat which is on the topic shelf. Hand written with quantity of each. This one is a better solution. I also like fzxdoc by shelf process.
I have a chest freezer that i filled with colored milk crates. 2 reds for meat, 1 blue for fish, 1 green for veggies. Catalogue everything in an app called freeezer. Been insanely useful when i actually keep it up to date, lol.
Agreed. A lot of them had enter quantity, but there was no easy way to track usage and the fill in bubbles here seemed to be a great idea plus the clear instructions for the family.