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Freezer Inventory Sheet

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    Freezer Inventory Sheet

    Laminate them for easier reuse.

    This one was my favorite due to the extra instructions.

    Are you running a business? If not I’m worried for you


    • STEbbq
      STEbbq commented
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      Oh I know you were kidding. I did the freezer dance way too much before I bought a separate unit, so definitely pleased to save my toes.

    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      glitchy r u a poker that pokes fun in the summertime fun.
      PBR does not last long, no need to inventory.

    • Murdy
      Murdy commented
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      Freezer dance -- that's why I have a chest freezer

    I have my big freezer inventoried by shelf and position on shelf (right, left, center). The thing is so jammed full that I'd be lost without my shelf-by-shelf inventory. Try as I may, as soon as there is an opening, I seem to fill it. Sigh.



    • Draznnl
      Draznnl commented
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      Do you have a form you use for this inventory? If so, do you care to share it?

    • fzxdoc
      fzxdoc commented
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      No, Draznnl , I do not have a form. I just write a separate list for each shelf and tape it to the side of the big freezer. The list has three columns which indicates where on the shelf each food is located left, center, right. As I remove a food, I cross it off the list, and of course do the reverse when adding a food to a particular shelf.


    I solved, or more accurately prevented this problem by not having an extra freezer. Just the one on the kitchen fridge. It’s usually full or nearly full. If something is found on sale that I must have and it’s full I just cook it right away and eat it! If I had another I would just fill it like everyone else.


      Thank you this is a great idea, especially for chest freezers. I took almost everything out of mine recently looking for frozen veggies I was convinced I still had. I didn't. This would have prevented that.


        I'm single so I just open the door. Deer head on the bottom, backstrap up top, etc....


        • bbqLuv
          bbqLuv commented
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          Deer head 4 Head cheese?

        We're like fzxdoc . We add the location of items in one of our three freezers. That's proven invaluable.


          We have been using dry erase markers on the freezer door. It's been working well. Color coded by protein, easy to update as you add or remove items.


            Man this is a huge need. Thank you!


            • HawkerXP
              HawkerXP commented
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            Why didn’t I think of this? What a great idea! We have three freezers and I couldn’t tell you half of what’s in them. We bought them in order to be able to take advantage of things on sale. There’s no telling what we’ll find when we inventory. It’s going to be fun. Thank You!


              Thanks, my wife recently inventoried all the meat which is on the topic shelf. Hand written with quantity of each. This one is a better solution. I also like fzxdoc by shelf process.
              Last edited by RichieB; August 7, 2021, 04:52 PM.


                Nice. Will use.


                  I have a chest freezer that i filled with colored milk crates. 2 reds for meat, 1 blue for fish, 1 green for veggies. Catalogue everything in an app called freeezer. Been insanely useful when i actually keep it up to date, lol.


                    Similar to what I made. I like the ‘fill in bubbles’. I think I’ll copy that. Thanks for posting.


                      Agreed. A lot of them had enter quantity, but there was no easy way to track usage and the fill in bubbles here seemed to be a great idea plus the clear instructions for the family.



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