As one of your many member benefits each month, paying members are automatically entered to win our monthly Great Giveaway sweepstakes. There are three (3) three winners every month, Grand Prize, Second Prize, and Third Prize. The prizes are worth as much as $2000 plus free delivery - no strings attached! You just have to be a USA resident with a USA delivery address. For the complete rules, click here.
>>> Grand Prize Winner, June 2020: ballen79 <<<
Please select your grill or smoker prize from the "Grand Prize" section on the prize page!
To claim: make a reply below in this topic here with your prize choice. It's that easy: once you've made your selection, reply below, right here in this topic with your choice to claim your prize! You have 5 days, until 11:59 p.m. Central Time on Saturday 6/13/2020 to claim your prize, or this prize will be forfeited, a new winner will be drawn, and this is non-reversible. Don't miss out!
>>> Second Prize Winner, June 2020: Mcrider <<<
Please select your grill or smoker prize from the "Second Prize" section on the prize page!
You get to choose one prize from among the Symon & Mixon knife and grill tool set, Pit Barrel Cooker, Fireboard digital remote thermometer, or CyberQ thermostatic controller, shipped free! Prize value up to $500.
To claim: make a reply below in this topic here with your prize choice. It's that easy: once you've made your selection, reply below, right here in this topic with your choice to claim your prize! You have 5 days, until 11:59 p.m. Central Time on Saturday 6/13/2020 to claim your prize, or this prize will be forfeited, a new winner will be drawn, and this is non-reversible. Don't miss out!
Congratulations all! Please don't let these prizes slip away! As mentioned several times above, all you each need to do is make a post right here in this topic with your prize choice, or if you're the Third Place winner- any reply to acknowledge your win- no later than 11:59 p.m. CT on Saturday June13, 2020. June 14, 2020 will be too late and you will forfeit, and this is non-reversible!