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Looking for wild boar

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    Looking for wild boar

    Hey y'all... Anyone in the Cleveland, OH area know where I could pick up wild boar? I've found sausage and ground meat at Trader Joe's, but I'm looking for a better cut to try.

    I know people seem to like https://brokenarrowranch.com/collections/wild-boar MBMorgan might have more information on them.


    • Donw
      Donw commented
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      MBMorgan Sorry about that. I try to remember unique proteins people cook and you popped into my mind when I heard boar. texastweeter also popped in my mind but of course with him the boar come up to his door and ask to be harvested so he definitely doesn’t need to buy any.

    • MBMorgan
      MBMorgan commented
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      No problem. That said … and speaking of wild bores … let me quickly turn this into a Panhead John joke before he sees this and turns it into a joke about me 😎.

    • ecowper
      ecowper commented
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      I buy boar from broken arrow as Don suggests.

    I have used Broken Arrow a number of times and have been very happy


      I cannot help on wild boar as they don’t carry it but these guys have some good game meats and prices.


        Move to Texas, they run wild down here............only cost a few shells if you're a bad shot.


        • Michael_in_TX
          Michael_in_TX commented
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          No joke. We literally have a campus closure scenario for ferrel hogs in our emergency planning documents.

        • ecowper
          ecowper commented
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          I’m a pretty good shot, shouldn’t cost me more than 1-2 rounds of .223

        • Bkhuna
          Bkhuna commented
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          I have to be careful driving to and from work down my way because they are everywhere.

          I checked out the Broken Arrow Ranch link and I have to say, Wild Boar sounds a lotter better then feral pig.
          Last edited by Bkhuna; June 1, 2022, 04:25 AM.

        Yeah we eat a lot of it at my house. They seem to look down the barrel, smile and wait for the flash on my property. Can help you hunt or cook them, but not buy.


        • ecowper
          ecowper commented
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          Most of us, sadly, aren’t in TX …. Broken Arrow Ranch is a pretty good source for those of us in weird states with weird laws.

        Thanks all! Funny thing is, my boss wanted me to go to San Antonio this week for work, but I begged off. If I had known that Texas was the place to find boar, maybe I would have reconsidered. 😁 I'll give Broken Arrow a look.


          Domestic pigs taste better. That said, there's something you can do about that. At our gun club we had a caretaker who hunted boar with two pitbulls, a knife, and some rope. The dogs would pin the boar down and he'd come up and hogtie it, and cut off its testicles. He'd take the boar back to the property, live, and release it in a pen where he fed it grain until the gaminess was out of it and then slaughter it for food. I don't recommend that approach unless you truly are Captain Super Awesome. He really was. I saw him bit by a timber rattler one day replacing clays in a trap and he just shook it off and went about his work.


          • TheAmazingJohnJ
            TheAmazingJohnJ commented
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            Tempting. Is there a certain wood you'd recommend for cooking the boar's testicles? Or did your guy eat 'em "fresh off the vine?" 😂😂

          • hoovarmin
            hoovarmin commented
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            I laughed, but now that you mention it I bet he did eat em


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