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Any Opinion on Wild Fork Foods?

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    Any Opinion on Wild Fork Foods?

    I've seen the Wild Fork web site, but never pulled the trigger. Now, they're opening a retail outlet about 3 miles from me, so I thought I'd ask if anybody has any experience/opinion of them. Here's a pic my BIL took through the window this morning. Plenty of square footage. Looks like it could open in the next couple of months.

    Click image for larger version

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    People here have posted positively ( but... it's 3 miles. You tell us!!


    • johnec00
      johnec00 commented
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      a) It ain't open yet.
      b) Before I posted, I searched "wild fork" on the pit. Came up with the same post that you linked along with several others that seemed to have fairly good comments.

      I was simply interested in additional opinions.
      Last edited by johnec00; June 6, 2021, 06:37 PM.

    First I heard of them, keep us posted.


      After further surfing, it turns out Wild Fork is owned by JBS USA (in the news lately!) which, in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of JBS S.A., a massive $51B Brazilian company. JBS USA also owns Certified Angus Beef brand and Swift along with many other lesser known (to me) brands. Wild Fork products are always sold frozen even in their retail stores.

      None of that is disqualifying, but demonstrates how far our food production has moved to massive conglomerates and away from actual farmers.


        I've been following some backyard cooks on Instagram for a while, and they have spoken highly of Wild Fork. A couple of weeks ago, I took the plunge and placed an order. So far, I have only cooked beef ribs, but they were phenomenal.

        I know there have been some complaints from receiving partially thawed meat from some online vendors; however, my order was frozen solid.

        I will definitely be ordering from them again.


        • johnec00
          johnec00 commented
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          Thanks for the input. It appears that most have positive comments.

        Originally posted by johnec00 View Post
        After further surfing, it turns out Wild Fork is owned by JBS USA (in the news lately!) which, in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of JBS S.A., a massive $51B Brazilian company. JBS USA also owns Certified Angus Beef brand and Swift along with many other lesser known (to me) brands. Wild Fork products are always sold frozen even in their retail stores.

        None of that is disqualifying, but demonstrates how far our food production has moved to massive conglomerates and away from actual farmers.
        Yeah, there's a tension between price and producer size.

        Elsewhere here people are commenting on the price of brisket going up above $4/lb. But of course, you're not getting high grades of small farmer brisket for that price - that's corporate farmed beef. The problem is that a 15lb brisket at $12/lb is $180 and that's WAY different for most of us than a $70 ($4.50/lb) purchase.
        Last edited by rickgregory; June 7, 2021, 12:41 PM.


        • johnec00
          johnec00 commented
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          I generally don't buy local beef because, here, its only grass finished and I don't care for it as much. Pork and poultry I frequently buy local. And yes, its more expensive, but there's 2 of us, so a few extra bucks is irrelevant. Last year I was trying to find a source for fresh pork back fat for my sausage making hobby. Contacted a local farm and he agreed to cut it special for me. To me, that's worth a few bucks. And I hate to think what one of my salami's cost compared to Oscar Meyer.

        • Potkettleblack
          Potkettleblack commented
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          I’m sure Oscar Meyer’s Weiner doesn’t compare to yours. 🤣

        Just placed my first order with Wild Fork after going to my local Costco yesterday and seeing their new prices.

        Costco's babybacks $5.99/lb.-WF Berkshire BB's $6.98/lb.
        Costco's St. Louis Ribs $5.49/lb.-WF Berkshire St. Louis Ribs $6.58/lb.
        Costco's Prime Tri-tip $13.99/lb.-WF Prime Tri-tip $8.48/lb.
        Costco's Choice Chuck roast $7.49/lb.-WF Choice Chuck roast $5.18/lb.

        Also bought a Black Angus Choice Picanha from WF for $8.98/lb.

        I'll let y'all know how my order turns out. With WF's Berkshire ribs only being $1.00/lb. or so higher than Costco's Swift brand ribs, I'll take the Berkshire.


        • Murdy
          Murdy commented
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          I was surprised by WF's prices, planning on putting in an order, but my chest freezer is currently out of service, so need to get that going again first.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	88E44DA1-9E3B-491F-BFDB-E1AD9E0CBD10.jpeg
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ID:	1049123 I just got my first ever order from Wild Fork. The freezer was getting low so I popped for a load of stuff.

        1-18.5 lb prime brisket
        2- prime grade beef plate rib racks
        1- prime grade pichana about 3.2lbs
        2- Berkshire thick NY cut pork chops
        2-baby back rib racks

        now the freezer is jam packed! Couldn’t get another thing in there. Prices were as good or better than Costco. In my area. The plate ribs I never even see here. Time to get smokin’ and EAT! 👍


          What the fork?



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