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Wow....just wow

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    Wow....just wow

    Over at the Real Canadian Superstore this morning and these prices kinda stood out
    Brisket 1.02kg or 2.4lbs $41 and change
    Chicken the whole bunker was priced at $45-50 for a flat of chicken. It was Maple Leaf Prime brand but gee whiz
    Attached Files

    That shrub in your backyard is starting to look real tasty.


    • smokin fool
      smokin fool commented
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      Agreed, I may shovel the snow off the grass, cut it and make a salad

    I guess two things come to mind, the citizens are now a captive audience as they can't jump over into the States, and with rising healthcare costs they are collecting it somehow. I miss going up north, but prices like that would make me pack a sack lunch!


    • smokin fool
      smokin fool commented
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      Maple Leaf would be the Caddy of meats up here, there were flats of No Name chicken breast in another bunker foe $25ish per flat.
      I just found at $50 a flat that's.....rape.....
      We rarely buy beef because its so expensive, is chicken next?

    Ouch. You gotta eat, but geez.
    good luck my friend.


    • smokin fool
      smokin fool commented
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      Gotta eat, maybe every second day or so now

    Even California isn't that bad.


      "a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, 'A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine'" -- Just saying.


      • ComfortablyNumb
        ComfortablyNumb commented
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        What translation is that from? My old King James puts it differently.

      • bbqLuv
        bbqLuv commented
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        New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. free digital access on

      Dayummm, Ouch!!!!

      Better load up, HEAVY like on th beanz, afore they mark them up, as well...


      • bbqLuv
        bbqLuv commented
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        Beans and rice are reported to make up a complete protein. Or was the rice and beans?

      • Mr. Bones
        Mr. Bones commented
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        Either, Either, Or... complete proteins...

        Cain tell ya fer a fact, eatin beans an rice,some greens, waitin, hopin, prayin onna scrappa meat, one will still survive, an can have a full, happy belly, based on my experiences...
        Last edited by Mr. Bones; December 30, 2020, 08:11 PM.

      • bbqLuv
        bbqLuv commented
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        Mr. Bones, the price of beans and rice went up in price when there was a meat shortage back in the early 70's.

      Ho lee cow. I had no idea food prices were like that up there.


        That is what I would call highway robbery! I hope you find some affordable protein, so that you can eat, and also continue to support your BBQ and culinary pursuits.


          So how's the rabbit hunting around there? Looks like it may be time to source some wild protein.


          • FireMan
            FireMan commented
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            My thoughts also, wabbit!

          • smokin fool
            smokin fool commented
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            I'd be competing with the dawg for wabbits....don't want to cut her grass

          If I remember correcly the highest beef got was when the cow jumped over the moon.
          She steered with her utter instead of a rutter and been in orbit since June.


            That's Crazy Prices; seems they's a Glut, goin on, hereabouts; Roasts BOGO, Top Sir an Round...Poke Loin's $1.88 Family Pack, Strip steaks $5.99/lb, Poke Butts $1.49 / lb, 80/20 $2.99 MSRP Spares $1.49/lb....jus from a glance at one grocery's ad, fer today...

            Ain't countin th sales, or Manager's Specials, there, in th case...
            Last edited by Mr. Bones; December 30, 2020, 05:46 PM.


              Y'all DO raise Domestic animals, up there, right? Not like they havedta jump acrosst th Border, an pay Customs??? WTH is goin on???


              • smokin fool
                smokin fool commented
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                I'm thinking meat packers have spent millions to take Covid precautions and handed the costs right on down the line to consumers.
                I get that but they could have eased us into it instead of a gut punch.
                Like I said above there was another bunker of chicken breasts that was probably half the price on this bunker. I know which one I'm parking at next time.

              If my math is correct (not a sure thing at all!) that's about $8.20 US/lb. Very expensive.


                Wow that is incredible. Time to fence the yard in and start raising some livestock



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