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    Hey y'all!

    I'm new here, just found the AmazingRibs site a couple weeks ago after a Google search on how to use my new WSM. I've learned a lot and figure I'd chip in my $25 to support the site so here I am!

    I've been burning meat over fire since we moved out of an apartment in 1979, mostly on a MECO Swinger. I added a gas grill maybe 10 years ago, a 2 burner CharBroil POS. Got a Weber Spirit 2-burner a couple of years ago and replaced the MECO with a Weber kettle not long after, just upgraded the Spirit to a Genesis S-320 and added a WSM (inspired by my best buddy) a couple weeks ago and I'm pretty happy with the trio.

    I think I have a mild case of GAS(Grill Acquisition Syndrome), I read Meathead's review of the PK grill and there's now a box from Arkansas sitting downstairs waiting for assembly. I need to finish the paver project outside the basement so I have a place to put it and that hasn't been easy in the weather here( "here" is lost in the NW Atlanta 'burbs). I've managed to get the area dug out and the base in, just need to add the sand and the pavers. Hopefully(if it doesn't rain too much) I'll have the patio extension finished Saturday and will fire up the PK for Sunday dinner. Wish me luck...

    In the meantime, here's a shot of the Weber hosting the Ultimate Corn on the Cob along with some Incredible Steakhouse Burgers, it would have been nice if the sky hadn't opened up and poured buckets the last 10 minutes of the cook. The corn was great, it's my second attempt at the burgers but I don't quite have that nailed yet.

    This looks like a great place to hang out, looking forward to hearing from you gals and guys. Good to meet'cha!


    P.S. I did a rack of ribs last weekend on the WSM using Memphis Dust, they were awesome! (if I do say so myself) Thanks to Meathead for the rub recipe and the cooking info, if you're ever down Atlanta way I owe you dinner!
    Last edited by billg71; June 3, 2015, 06:01 PM.

    Welcome to the Pit billg71


      Welcome, burgers look good! It's dinnertime.




          ​Welcome to The Pit billg71! SOudns like you have a great setup! And I like the GAS acronym by the way. Producing good BBQ and hanging out here produces GAS in a lot of us

          Since this is your first post, please check out our homework assignment post for new members, it contains a few how-tos and please-dos.

          Hope to hear & see more from you!


            Huskee and all, thanks for the welcome! Goodtomeetcha and all that.

            As far as the GAS thing goes, I can't take any credit. I first ran into the acronym on a Martin Guiter forum where it stood for "Guitar Acquisition Syndrome", ran into it later on a photo forum where it abbreviated "Gear Acquisition Syndrome" and a refinement on another Nikon-oriented forum where it had morphed into NAS(Nikon Acquisition Syndrome). I suffer from all 4 variations, hope they aren't fatal. So far, so good since I'm still running off at the keyboard, picking guitars, burning meat and taking pictures.

            So it seemed natural here to turn it into "Grill Acquisition Syndrome", an ailment it seems most of us are suffering from.

            Thanks for the reminder and the tip to fill in my profile, I've done that since it seems I'll be hanging around for a while.

            Best to all of you and those you hold dear,
            Last edited by billg71; June 7, 2015, 07:08 PM.



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