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Hello from the Frying pan of Arizona

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    Hello from the Frying pan of Arizona

    Fid hear in Phoenix, for some reason here it is Aug. 6th 1:17pm and it's only 105 deg.F (cool Day) Must be a reward for joining Pitmaster.
    Anyway love AR and all the great stuff that goes along with it. I've BBQ'd for years and after hanging around AR for a few months I've learnd some new tricks and how to be consistent from one cook to the other.
    I cook mostly with Weber Kettles (3) and an older CharBroil gasser and strongly leaning toward a pellet smoker in the near future.
    Finally wised-up to digital thermometers (Thanks Meathead) I use a ThermoWorks MTC and a ThermoWorks TW8060, don't know how I ever got along without them or the Smokenator and GrillGrates.
    Looking forward to lots of fun here at Pitmaster.
    Ps My Favorite Beer Four Peaks IPA Tempe, Az. (one of them anyway)
    Last edited by A Fid; August 6, 2014, 03:33 PM.

    Welcome, nice Hereford. I took some black and white photos of my cows growing up. I like the rustic look. Also had a blue healer.

    We are 92 (105 HI) with 60% humidity. Back to cutting grass.


    • A Fid
      A Fid commented
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      Ok,Ok I'll stop crying about the temp in Phx. I'm guessing 12% humidity here.

      I shot that photo on a small ranch in Chino Valley, Az. Healers are great dogs.
      Thanks for the welcome.

    Not to brag but here in central MI today it was mostly sunny and 84 HI, currently 72. Beeeeutiful evening to be tending my Weber with some oak-grilled turkey burgers and a cold one in my hand.


    • A Fid
      A Fid commented
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      Yup, OK rub it in, we are lucky to get below 90 as a low temp, but hey better time are not to far away. (but for right now the A/c is running 24-7)

    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
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      I'm surprised it hasn't been a bad summer at all (in MI). Last summer we had our ACs running 24/7 for a few weeks for the most part. This year back in early to mid June I ran it for about 2 weeks. Haven't ran it in several weeks now! My electric bill is happier this summer. Makes up for the propane bill from the winter >

    Advantage of AZ is we BBQ with ease year round, in fact in the summer I find it easier to get to temp and hold it. I remember living in Minnesota and trying to BBQ in the winter.


    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
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      What a difference, Minnesota winters to AZ! Of all the states, including MI and ME, it seems MN makes the news most for bad winters. We hit -19 last winter here in MI, but the lowest I had the privilege of firing up the smoker in was -5.

    • A Fid
      A Fid commented
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      Verry true!

    Dry heat... low humidity. I have co-workers in Phoenix and they tell me how hot it is. Still 96F here, but the dew point is nice at 56F. Welcome, Fid!


    • A Fid
      A Fid commented
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      Thanks bocefuss, hope your co-workers are not roofers or A/C techs :=)

    Welcome from a fellow Arizonan.


    • A Fid
      A Fid commented
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      Hey thanks Bro!

    Welcome! My bro lives in Oro Valley near Tucson so I know all about the high temps sans humidity. I need the humidity I get here in Florida


    • A Fid
      A Fid commented
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      Yep, it's dry in the mid to southern part of Az.
      Oro Valley is beautiful part of southern Az. Thanks for the Welcome.

    Originally posted by bocefuss View Post
    Dry heat... low humidity. I have co-workers in Phoenix and they tell me how hot it is. Still 96F here, but the dew point is nice at 56F. Welcome, Fid!

    No, I work in the semiconductor industry. Our climate is 68F and 50% humidity in our bunny suits.


    • A Fid
      A Fid commented
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      Oh I remember My Bunnie suit days, going in to do photos, clean the gadgeebers out of my Hasselblad, Tripod, etc. then pass it through to the clean room..uhg. Now days
      they have a room mock-up, ah..that's better :+)

    Welcome from yet another Arizonian! Phoenix area too. BBQ in January here is way nicer than trying in back in Vermont, where I grew up! A few more of us Phoenix folk and I might smell an AR Pit Member Cookout!


    • A Fid
      A Fid commented
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      A cookout, wouldn't that be the Cow's Meow.

    Hey AF welcome the the pit


    • A Fid
      A Fid commented
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      Thanks Jon, I like your wheels.

    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
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      Yeah, Jon you put new rims on that thing yet? lol

    Welcome to The Pit A Fid! When you have a moment please check out my Welcome letter and Tips post. They'll help you get all that great info in your original post into your signature. You can find them here.


    • A Fid
      A Fid commented
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      Thanks David..

    Arizona-Amazing Ribs-smoke out, we might even be able to start a quarterly or bi yearly event. Put one on in the winter and draw some snow birds, or should I say smoke birds


      Originally posted by charchamp View Post
      Arizona-Amazing Ribs-smoke out, we might even be able to start a quarterly or bi yearly event. Put one on in the winter and draw some snow birds, or should I say smoke birds
      I still vote Chicago. MH's yard. Probably a 4 hr drive for me.


      • charchamp
        charchamp commented
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        I like Chicago too, good reason to travel also BBQ


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