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New Member in SF Bay Area.

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    New Member in SF Bay Area.

    Hello from California!
    I'm not very good at this introducing myself to a forum thing. I love this site and have always tried to support it (using the links to purchase stuff), so joining the Pitmasters Club was a no-brainer.

    I have a weber 22 in. Kettle and also the 22 in. Smokey Mountain. And various propane stoves that I mainly use to make beer.

    Speaking of beer, a comodity that doesn't fare well traveling, I love many "local" breweries some of my favorites are Stone, Lagunitas, and North Coast.

    I am also a traditional wet shaving enthusiast if there are any other guys into that on here.

    Lastly I would like to state that the mild in Mild Bill has nothing to do with how much capsaicin and other spices I put on my food!

    Looking forward to interacting with you fine gentlemen.
    Mild Bill

    Hiya Bill,

    Where in the bay area? I spent a few years in Mountain View as a kid. It was a pretty bad joke being uprooted and put down at the mouth of Lake Erie at twelve, but, hey, it seems to have made me stronger.
    There's a lot of great stuff here. Enjoy!


      Welcome Bill. Thanks for the continued support, it is greatly appreciated!

      Wild Bill, Mild Bill....tis all good.



        I am in West San Jo, my Brother lives in Mountain View. So I did the opposite of what you did, I was born a Mainiac (born in Maine [hence the spelling[). And at 13 we moved west. We tied a snow shovel to the roof of the car and kept driving til people asked, "What the heck is that thing?". The shock we got had more to do with housing prices!

        Mild Bill
        22" Weber Kettle
        22" Weber Smokey Mountain

        By the way everyone doing "Last Meal Ribs" today!


        • jmott7
          jmott7 commented
          Editing a comment
          I remember my parents bought a new Eichler in 1973 for about $55,000.00. It's still my favorite of all the houses we lived in. A few years ago it sold for around $1.25 million. So, yeah, I get it. Still, trust me, you got the good end of the whole moving as a kid deal.
          And you could do just about anything you want with the kettle and Smokey Mountain. Have fun!

        Welcome, gotta enjoy that year round grilling weather out there. I made it most of the year but had to close it down for January.


          Originally posted by Mild Bill View Post

          Mild Bill
          22" Weber Kettle
          22" Weber Smokey Mountain

          By the way everyone doing "Last Meal Ribs" today!
          Welcome to The Pit Mild Bill ! Glad to have you here.

          Since this is your first post, please check out our homework assignment post for new members, it contains a few how-tos and please-dos, one3 of which being setting up your signature with your gear. You have some nice toys there and can do just about anything with those two w/o breaking the bank, congrats!

          Hope to hear & see more from you!


            Hello Bill. Nice to meat you.



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