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    Looks like no one has said hello in a while. So, hello!

    I grew up in Alabama and lived there all my life except for 4 yrs in Dallas. But for the last 14 yrs I've lived in The Netherlands. Far from home. And even farther from good BBQ.

    Maybe 6 or 7 years ago, feeling crazy homesick, I realized eating foods I grew up with helped alleviate some of those symptoms. So I started cooking. And really for the first time in my life I had to start completely from scratch! Everything from scratch. Seriously, you can't even buy a pre-made pie crust in this country!!!

    I bought a Weber gas grill and enthusiastically began burning whole chickens and burgers near beyond recognition. When I realized (accepted might be the more accurate verb) I didn't have a clue what I was doing I set out to change that and that's when I found Amazing ribs.

    In short, this site taught me to self-learn what men hope to learn from their fathers and grand fathers. That alone is reason enough to join and support Amazing ribs. "Teach a man to fish" and all that. But it was more. I moved on to a kettle grill then a WSM, then a couple more. I learned to cook what I wanted to eat and my Dutch friends and family learned to be homesick for a place they had never visited.

    These days I cook outside more than in and I am a very happy man (partly) because of it. I started a KCBS competition BBQ team competing mostly in Europe (I competed in The Jack Daniels last October). This is a hobby that very fortunately got out of hand

    I'm looking forward to watching the expert videos and learning from others here.

    Welcome iQbbq! We're glad you're here. I was born and raised in Clanton Alabama, but haven't lived there in a couple of decades.


      Welcome to the Pit iQbbq.


        Sounds like you figured out how to use those grills. I was banished to Anniston Alabama for a few months 15 years ago and that was enough for me.


          Thanks for the support!! The Netherlands is home of the tallest average height of men in the world. Thought that was a pretty neat stat.

          Oostzaan is home of the company that manufactures some of the poultry processing equipment in the plant I work.

          They manufacture the Meyn Maestro (Meyn Automatic Evisceration System Total Removal of Organs)


            Thanks guys!
            David, I remember going to Clanton every Summer for family reunions until they moved those up to my Grandma's house in Jacksonville. That's right next door to Anniston John. But if you were stationed at Ft McClellen then that doesn't really count

            I live in Amersfoort in Jerod. Oostzaan isn't next door but this country is so small nothing is really far away. And yes, people are large here!


            • Jerod Broussard
              Jerod Broussard commented
              Editing a comment
              I work with a woman whose son went to the Netherlands for training with that company I mentioned. I asked about the height of the men. She said her son told her how ALL the men were TALL!

            Welcome to The Pit iQbbq ! Sounds like you're a seasoned pro.

            Since this is your first post, please check out our homework assignment post for new members, it contains a few how-tos and please-dos.

            Hope to hear & see more from you!


              I promise to go through the home work assignments Huskee

              Jerod, it's not only the men who are large... :S


                Welcome. It sounds like you've had quite the outdoor cooking journey.


                  Nice to meet you iQ.



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