Looks like no one has said hello in a while. So, hello! 
I grew up in Alabama and lived there all my life except for 4 yrs in Dallas. But for the last 14 yrs I've lived in The Netherlands. Far from home. And even farther from good BBQ.
Maybe 6 or 7 years ago, feeling crazy homesick, I realized eating foods I grew up with helped alleviate some of those symptoms. So I started cooking. And really for the first time in my life I had to start completely from scratch! Everything from scratch. Seriously, you can't even buy a pre-made pie crust in this country!!!
I bought a Weber gas grill and enthusiastically began burning whole chickens and burgers near beyond recognition. When I realized (accepted might be the more accurate verb) I didn't have a clue what I was doing I set out to change that and that's when I found Amazing ribs.
In short, this site taught me to self-learn what men hope to learn from their fathers and grand fathers. That alone is reason enough to join and support Amazing ribs. "Teach a man to fish" and all that. But it was more. I moved on to a kettle grill then a WSM, then a couple more. I learned to cook what I wanted to eat and my Dutch friends and family learned to be homesick for a place they had never visited.
These days I cook outside more than in and I am a very happy man (partly) because of it. I started a KCBS competition BBQ team competing mostly in Europe (I competed in The Jack Daniels last October). This is a hobby that very fortunately got out of hand
I'm looking forward to watching the expert videos and learning from others here.

I grew up in Alabama and lived there all my life except for 4 yrs in Dallas. But for the last 14 yrs I've lived in The Netherlands. Far from home. And even farther from good BBQ.
Maybe 6 or 7 years ago, feeling crazy homesick, I realized eating foods I grew up with helped alleviate some of those symptoms. So I started cooking. And really for the first time in my life I had to start completely from scratch! Everything from scratch. Seriously, you can't even buy a pre-made pie crust in this country!!!
I bought a Weber gas grill and enthusiastically began burning whole chickens and burgers near beyond recognition. When I realized (accepted might be the more accurate verb) I didn't have a clue what I was doing I set out to change that and that's when I found Amazing ribs.
In short, this site taught me to self-learn what men hope to learn from their fathers and grand fathers. That alone is reason enough to join and support Amazing ribs. "Teach a man to fish" and all that. But it was more. I moved on to a kettle grill then a WSM, then a couple more. I learned to cook what I wanted to eat and my Dutch friends and family learned to be homesick for a place they had never visited.
These days I cook outside more than in and I am a very happy man (partly) because of it. I started a KCBS competition BBQ team competing mostly in Europe (I competed in The Jack Daniels last October). This is a hobby that very fortunately got out of hand

I'm looking forward to watching the expert videos and learning from others here.