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New From SC

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    New From SC

    Hey. My name is Adam, and I'm new here. I discovered this site early last fall after I impulse bought a couple racks of ribs only to realize I didn't really know how to cook them. A Google search of some sort turned up, and I ended up with the best ribs I had ever eaten. Spending my whole life (minus a year-long stent in eastern Montana) in the deep South, loving Southern style BBQ that's not a comment to be taken lightly.

    Having achieved such results, I kept digging around the site and entered the 2014 Pretty Bird Turkey Shoot photo contest. I just got an email from Meathead yesterday telling me that I placed third and have a Thermoworks DOT shipping my way! Sweet action! You can check out my spatchcocked, picnic table supported bird over on the Pretty Bird Turkey Shoot Contest page of if you like.

    A little about me: I'm 32 and have been grilling since long before I moved away from Mom and Dad. I've grilled mostly over charcoal and have come to love it, even though I occasionally do some propane grilling for my co-workers or open, wood flame cooking at a campsite. I love to have a craft brew or glass of red wine (preferably Pinot Noir, Merlot, or Cab) in hand by the time I strike a match. Big Sky Brewing Co. Moose Drool (brown ale) is a current favorite that relatives send from out West (can't buy it east of the Mississippi). A life-long burger lover, I'll grill anything and everything I can get my hands on. However, I've really enjoyed smoking low and slow lately. I'm getting ready to try my hand at brisket and pork butt when weekend traveling slows down a little. My part of South Carolina is blessed with weather that is never too cold for outdoor cooking, so I'm a year-round grillman.

    Currently I'm cooking on a 22" Webber kettle I bought when I moved to coastal South Carolina about 5 years ago. Since finding this site I have really been experimenting with recipes and techniques on the Webber, and I picked up a Taylor digital thermometer to help out. I can't wait to employ that Thermoworks DOT when it comes in, and I just ordered an air probe (for grill monitoring) and a Thermopop to the supporting cast. I'm expecting the Taylor to see a lot of drawer time when those arrive.

    More great news, though: I found out while spending time at Christmas with the in-laws that my father-in-law is going to buy me a Big Green Egg! All I have to do is build a counter/outdoor cooking area for it and let him know when I'm ready. So, I am researching BGE info anywhere I can. I was delighted to find several here who cook on those with good results. Any input/advice on BGE's and outdoor kitchen/cooking space layout would be greatly appreciated!

    Here's to a grill filled 2015!!
    Last edited by jadam318; January 5, 2015, 03:27 PM. Reason: Corrected misspellings

    Right on Adam! I'm sure you'll be happy with the BGE, I work with a few people that own them. A big Pit welcome from the Goose Creek area!


    • HC in SC
      HC in SC commented
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      Not that I know of. Pit Boss is in the Charlotte area.

      I just took a trip up there to Socastee to buy a Weber Performer from a guy on Craigslist.

      I used to have to come up to N. Myrtle every week with another employer and must have passed that barbeque joint on 17 south down from Litchfield - Hog Heaven I think. I've been meaning to stop there, but never have.

      I was planning on taking the wife to Sam's corner on the way home from Socastee, but forgot they aren't 24/7 in the off season and they were closed by the time we headed back.

      I also used to pass Radd Dews Barbeque over in Conway on trips up there, but haven't been there yet either.

    • jadam318
      jadam318 commented
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      Hog Heaven is worth a stop. I wouldn't say its the best I've ever had, but order their BBQ...don't get sucked into the buffet. Its not all that great. They have killer fried chicken, though.

      Sam's Corner is a staple! I'm friends with the daughter of the owner, and they are an awesome family.

      Never had Radd Dews. I don't get up to Conway too often, though my wife works at CCU up there. Maybe I'll go visit her for lunch sometime and give that place a shot.

      Any good BBQ joints down your way? I'm a fan of the BBQ nachos at a joint on King St. in Charleston, but that's really all the BBQ exploration I've done anywhere near Goose Creek.

      Cool to connect with you, man, and thanks for the welcome!

    • HC in SC
      HC in SC commented
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      Check out the comment I left here for some other good spots in Charleston:

      Here is another one on a new place called Swig and Swine:

      Was in Charleston this past weekend and my great friend (and chef of a great restaurant called S.N.O.B.) took me to a fantastic BBQ place in West Ashley. If in

      To be honest since perfecting my pork butts and getting much better on ribs, I find what I cook is better than most places serve.

      Also, if you like mustard BBQ sauce definitely try MH's recipe - I was skeptical, but after making it and letting it sit in the fridge for a few days, I am now a believer:

      In Mid-South Carolina, from Columbia to Charleston on the coast, BBQ sauce is yellow. HereÍs a quick and easy recipe for classic South Carolina mustard sauce. For those who are only familiar with traditional red BBQ sauces, yellow mustard sauce can be jarring at first -- at least until that first flavorful bite.

      Nice to meet you also Adam!

    Sounds like you know your way around a grill! My turkey's were awesome, but I don't think a shaky pic on chinet would have one anything!

    For the lazy here is the link to the beautiful birds.

    Looking forward to seeing what that BGE turns out.


      Hello Adam, Congrats on the pic win. Welcome


        Welcome Adam. Congrats on the turkey and the forthcoming BGE gift!


          Hi Adam, welcome to the Pit


            Hi Adam, welcome to the Pit! Great to hear your story, I'm sure you'll be happy with the BGE. I am using one, I've had it for a little more than two years. For my cold climate (Sweden) it is superb. Looking forward to pics of your outdoor kitchen!


              Welcome Adam, and congrats on the win. You probably knew you were in the running when Meathead wanted to feature your picture on the Turkey page.

              Great job on your signature too, I take it you've read our homework assignment post for new members?

              Hope you hear more from you!


              • jadam318
                jadam318 commented
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                Thanks, Huskee. Yeah, I was pretty excited about Meathead using my picture over there, and that clued me in a little. I can't wait to get that thermometer in and put it to work.

                And yes. I found the homework assignment. I poked around a little before I started posting. Great forum, from what I've found so far.

              I got home last night to find a package from Thermoworks waiting for me. The Thermoworks DOT I won from the turkey contest arrived! Thanks Meathead and AmazingRibs!

              That along with the Thermopop and extra probe I ordered should make for a potent set of thermometers. Planning to fire up the Webber for some salmon tonight and give them a run.

              Click image for larger version

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              Last edited by jadam318; January 16, 2015, 08:02 AM.


              • HC in SC
                HC in SC commented
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                Right on - congrats!

              Welcome Adam, this is a great site with a great bunch of folks all willing to help. Congratulations on the win. My turkey looked pretty good until I butchered it. I was going to try to present it cut up. My surgical skills are lacking.


                Welcome to The Pit Adam! I too love having a glass in hand when I light the fire, which should happen in about 3 hours now=)

                Anyway, wanted to say welcome. A BGE is a very good compliment to a kettle, but don't plan on that being your primary grill. You'll want to keep the kettle for searing. BGE's aren't great for two zone.


                  It's also just nice having multiple grills. It's pretty common place for me to light up three or four grills to make a meal around here.


                  • jadam318
                    jadam318 commented
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                    That, sir, is inspirational! I absolutely plan to keep my kettle around. I'm actually beginning a deck expansion this weekend to accommodate all of these things. Perhaps I will end up with enough space to convince the wife that 'we' need a dedicated smoker....I'm thinking a small Backwoods smoker might be nice... If only I can figure out how to also win one of those Gold Medal Giveaways....

                  • David Parrish
                    David Parrish commented
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                    Adam the good news is you're in the running for the GMG now, every month, with no effort on your part needed. The bad news is there is no figgering you can do to improve your odds

                    You definitely want to move up to a higher grill count when you expand your deck. It opens up all kinds of possibilities. Perhaps THIS is where you should apply your figgering capabilities.=)


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