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Hello from Norman in Toronto

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    Hello from Norman in Toronto

    My colleagues from Memphis and Mobile came to dinner last Thursday evening. On Wednesday I bought an 8 lb brisket, applied John Henry's Texas Brisket Rub (recommended by my BBQ store - Sobie's) and put it in the fridge over night. Thursday 9:30 am, following AmazingRibs instructions, I put two water pans in my BBQ, attached my Maverick ET-732, and brought the temp up to 225F. I then inserted the first of my two Napolean smoke tubes filled with dry Mesquite chips. I then put the brisket in the BBQ. My wife graciously agreed to mind the BBQ temp and refilll the water baths if necessary, while I went off to work. After two hours, she inserted the second smoke tube. At 150F she wrapped the brisket in double foil. I came home for a late lunch at 2pm. At 2:30 pm, the Maveric reported internal temp of 203F so I moved the brisket to the oven at 170F. Then I went back to work and brought my colleagues home at 6 pm. I put the brisket on the BBQ at high heat, both sides, for a few minutes. Conclusion: high praise from my guests for great flavour, great bark, a clearly visible smoke ring and smoky taste. My only problem was the meat was a little over done - I think the instructions' spec of 1 - 4 hours holding time should be changed to 1 -2 hours maximum. The prevoious time I followed this recipe was for my wife's birthday. That was a 10 lb brisket that was also a big success. The fantastic advice I get here is why I decided to support this forum. Thank you to everyone involved.

    Originally posted by ngbranitsky View Post
    My colleagues from Memphis and Mobile came to dinner last Thursday evening. On Wednesday I bought an 8 lb brisket, applied John Henry's Texas Brisket Rub (recommended by my BBQ store - Sobie's) and put it in the fridge over night. Thursday 9:30 am, following AmazingRibs instructions, I put two water pans in my BBQ, attached my Maverick ET-732, and brought the temp up to 225F. I then inserted the first of my two Napolean smoke tubes filled with dry Mesquite chips. I then put the brisket in the BBQ. My wife graciously agreed to mind the BBQ temp and refilll the water baths if necessary, while I went off to work. After two hours, she inserted the second smoke tube. At 150F she wrapped the brisket in double foil. I came home for a late lunch at 2pm. At 2:30 pm, the Maveric reported internal temp of 203F so I moved the brisket to the oven at 170F. Then I went back to work and brought my colleagues home at 6 pm. I put the brisket on the BBQ at high heat, both sides, for a few minutes. Conclusion: high praise from my guests for great flavour, great bark, a clearly visible smoke ring and smoky taste. My only problem was the meat was a little over done - I think the instructions' spec of 1 - 4 hours holding time should be changed to 1 -2 hours maximum. The prevoious time I followed this recipe was for my wife's birthday. That was a 10 lb brisket that was also a big success. The fantastic advice I get here is why I decided to support this forum. Thank you to everyone involved.
    From my experience the resting in a Faux Cambro works better than resting in an oven at 170F. Try that next time.

    And Welcome to The Pit! Thanks for completing the sig.


      I definitely will try the Faux Cambro next time.


      • John Tanner
        John Tanner commented
        Editing a comment
        Instead of throwing the wrapped pork/brisket into a cooler with towels, I'll often just turn off the oven, open the oven door and let out a bit of heat, close it and come back in 1.5-2 hours and pull/slice the's always in a safe range and that's plenty of time for the pork or brisket to rest. Ovens are pretty well insulated! :-)

      Welcome Norman.

      I would also add that while 203 works on most briskets, some are ready before they reach that temp. Probing for probe tenderness in the thickest part of the flat once it reaches 195 internal will help get it off when it is ready for rest, and might reduce any "over doneness."

      Thanks for the support......greatly appreciated.


        Hey there Norman! Welcome to the pit!


          I will also add that I accept next-day-air samples of brisket.



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