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I thought it was about time I said hello.

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    I thought it was about time I said hello.

    Hello from Staffordshire, UK, I’m John Greene living in the middle of England about 16 miles from Birmingham, (the second City) I’ve been grilling for about 30 years graduating from cremator of meat to a reasonable standard of cooking of most things, (plenty still to learn). I came across the site a couple of months ago when researching smokers as I had just taken delivery of a baby WSM a gift from the company I work for, I can see the limitations of the size but have produced some pretty good ‘last meal ribs’ so will continue to practice before investing in a larger model, (I wish Amazon would export the Pit Barrel Cooker).
    I nearly shed a tear when I saw the recipe for Disney-style smoked turkey legs they bring back such happy memories.

    On a more personal note I share my home with my wife Kay and four Pugs, Walt, Disney, Aurora & Ellie. My children have left home YEAH!!!!!!!!!, (love you) more time for my smoker. I’m a lift (elevator) engineer by trade currently working as a technical support engineer in Birmingham (30 years service hence the gift).

    This website is fantastic I already feel part of a big BBQ family, the knowledge, experience and expertise is second to none I look forward to learning from you all.


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    Sweet pugs.......welcome and thanks for the support!!!!


      Welcome mate, Manchester United fan?


      • oldchickenlips
        oldchickenlips commented
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        No mate, Aston Villa.

      Welcome OCL! Cute pups! I gotta say based on your name I was expecting you to look somewhat different

      Thanks for completing your signature. Looking forward to seeing some of those cooks on that WSM!


        Made the turkey legs a couple of weeks ago. Everyone loved them! I've been to Birmingham and the Cotswolds. Did a lot of drinking over there and had my share of fish n chips. Welcome!


        • oldchickenlips
          oldchickenlips commented
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          I'm just waiting for my Prague Powder #1 from Amazon then I'll be right on it. The Cotswolds is a beautiful part of the country, sounds like you had a good time.

        Welcome to The Pit OCL John, and greetings to yet another new friend overseas! Greta job posting a large pic of those pugs. I've always wanted to get a pug myself, but I don't want a permanent inside dog and I don't think pugs can handle an outside house in Michigan's alas, I've never gotten one.

        Anyway, glad to have you here and kudos on 30 years in your field! Here's to 30 more in BBQ! [raises mug of beer]


          Welcome John, Thanks for sharing your bio with us. You are really going to like it here and I look forward to your Posts and Pics. Your Pugs are good looking and I am sure they give you a lot of pleasure.



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