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Greetings From Columbus, Ohio

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    Greetings From Columbus, Ohio

    Hi All,

    I'm Cameron but most just call me Cam. I've been a big fan of this site since 2009 I want to say and I've definitely learned a lot from this site and who doesn't mind reading about the wonderful world of BBQ!!!

    I love to grill and smoke and if you are in Columbus area I would like to link up with a few folks to cook with and try out new recipes with.

    Current Smokers/Grills: Primo XL & Good One Marshall

    Previous Smokers/Grills: Weber Kettle 22inch, Weber Smokey Mountain 22inch

    Happy Smoking,


    Hey there Cam, welcome to The Pit! Sounds like you have a great setup there, I'm actually jealous. I've been drooling over the Primo XL for a good while now... Question- did you get rid of your Webers, or just dont use them since you have the big dogs now?

    When you get a minute, check out Pit Boss' Welcome & Announcements channel, as well as the tips posts in that channel. These will help you learn your way around The Pit, as well as set up your signature. There's also a post that explains the best way to post nice big pics here... we like to see bragging pictures of your equipment and your cooks. We look forward to hearing more from you! Enjoy!


      Hello Cam, WELCOME!


      • cdnichol
        cdnichol commented
        Editing a comment
        Thanks Jon

      Hey Aaron,

      I got the Primo XL about two years back and it's a great piece of work. I just got the Good One this past July so right now i've been usually the Primo XL as mainly a grill with Grillgrates but if i'm doing a overnight smoke I will use the Primo because it just that easy. I've gone 22 hours on my Primo without having to reload and with the BBQ Guru Wifi it makes overnight smokes a breeze; even though I still don't get as much sleep those nights but I think i'm too excited for the final product LMAO!

      As for my Weber Kettle she got smashed by a huge tree branch during bad thunderstorm and the WSM I sold to a friend who has been trying to get into smoking. I'm hoping to catch another Weber Kettle on sell over the next month or so.


        You've solidified my desires for a Primo even further! I hear you on the sleepless overnight cooks. I haven't done one in a long time, (brisket is very hard to come by where I live, and ribs and such are day jobs) but I remember it well. Of course, I run an offset stickburner w/ no electronics which is the WORST if you want to try to sleep. You get about as much rest as the cowboys in the old west trying to sleep under the stars while fending off hungry wolves.

        Nice meeting you Cam.


          I like that analogy! Pleasure to meet you too! May I ask where do you live at? When you mentioned that Brisket is hard to come by has me curious.


            Welcome! O - H


              Originally posted by cdnichol View Post
              I like that analogy! Pleasure to meet you too! May I ask where do you live at? When you mentioned that Brisket is hard to come by has me curious.
              I live in central Michigan. One supermarket butcher has to pay $7-9/lb to buy briskets, so he wont do it since he can't sell it...and another has been ordering them but they never come in on the trucks he says. There's one butcher I havent asked yet. Even Meijer wants $8/lb which I don't want to pay. I've been doing more pulled beef and roasts and skipping the brisket. [wipes tear]


                I'm sorry FLBuckeye but i'm..... Green & White for Life!!! Go Michigan State!!!!!

                I do cheer for OSU when they play Michigan if that helps LOL!


                • FLBuckeye
                  FLBuckeye commented
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                  You are dead to me


                • FLBuckeye
                  FLBuckeye commented
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                  I was at the B1G championship game in Indy last December. Long drive home to Tampa. Looking forward to Nov. 8th

                • cdnichol
                  cdnichol commented
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                  I was down in Indy myself... tailgated with a bunch of friends. It was a great game from start to finish!

                Originally posted by Aaron 'Huskee' Lyons View Post

                I live in central Michigan. One supermarket butcher has to pay $7-9/lb to buy briskets, so he wont do it since he can't sell it...and another has been ordering them but they never come in on the trucks he says. There's one butcher I havent asked yet. Even Meijer wants $8/lb which I don't want to pay. I've been doing more pulled beef and roasts and skipping the brisket. [wipes tear]

                I'm originally from Michigan! Born and raised in Flint, Michigan and attended college down in Rochester, Michigan at Oakland University. Brisket prices have been crazy this year and it really hurts me to the core because this year i'm been doing my own corned beef and pastrami from start to finish.


                  Cool, a fellow Michigander/Michiganite/Michiganian!...there's some debate as to what we're really called. I would like to venture into pastrami....but again, brisket prices... Although I can get corned brisket flats much cheaper which doesn't make sense. I could always just smoke it myself and hope the factory corning is tolerable, but I'm leary.


                    Originally posted by Aaron 'Huskee' Lyons View Post
                    Cool, a fellow Michigander/Michiganite/Michiganian!...there's some debate as to what we're really called. I would like to venture into pastrami....but again, brisket prices... Although I can get corned brisket flats much cheaper which doesn't make sense. I could always just smoke it myself and hope the factory corning is tolerable, but I'm leary.

                    Yeah it's like Russian Roulette with store bought ones that's why I started doing it myself plus I can pick the exact type of Brisket I like with the fat i'm looking for. I found a nice little cheapo meat slicer so I can get those paper thin slices for sandwiches.



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