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Another North Carolina smoker

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    Another North Carolina smoker

    Really enjoying the site. Found it a couple months ago when I was looking for a beef short rib recipe. Been backyard smoking for about 7 years. First smoker was a char grill barrel smoker w/fire box. About 2years ago I bought an Akorn and never used the barrel smoker again. Trying to talk myself into building a table and getting a nice ceramic setup one day.

    The beef ribs turned out pretty good, they were boneless and I overcooked them. The following weekend I cooked a brisket flat using the recipe on this site and it was awesome. Weekend of the 4th it was Huli-Huli chicken and reverse seared burgers. Last Sunday, LMR's. All have been fantastic. This weekend thinking of reverse searing some big fat rib eyes. Needless to say, I've been spending quite a bit of time here reading and learning. Looking forward to some grill talk.

    Welcome HanoverFist, love your username! Are you from PA or MD originally by chance, or is Hanover your last name?
    Good news on the recipes turning out great. I find beef ribs need lots of time to soften or they can be rather tough. You'll love the ribeyes reverse seared.

    Again, welcome aboard. Be sure to check out Pit Boss' welcome letter and the Tips post on how to fill out your signature. Enojy!
    Last edited by Huskee; July 16, 2014, 04:24 PM.


      Hey Hanover! Welcome


        Welcome to The Pit Hanover! When you have a chance take a few minutes to read my welcome letter as well as tips on how to use The Pit. They can be found in the Welcome and Announcements Channel. In particular, check out my tip #1 on signature creation and tip #4 on pic uploading. Tip #4 will help display your pics in a larger format that's viewable in the thread itself. As you can see we're a small but growing community. The more information and love you put in the more interest we'll get from fellow Pit members. Before you know it we'll have a BBQ wiki bounty of information for everyone to review, improve, share, and use. I look forward to your input!

        I have an Akorn as well. Let me know what you think of it.


          Nice to see yet another NC'er here!


            Thanks! NC native, the name came from a character in "Heavy Metal". By my count NC is winning. Just sayin...

            Love the recipes. After making the KC classic sauce I doubt I will ever make my old sauce again. Wife caught me in the kitchen last night dipping Hawaiian sweet rolls in a bowl of the stuff watching BBQ Pittmaster reruns. I was worried for a second she might be thinking intervention, but she laughed it off. Whew!

            I really like the versatility and efficiency of the Akorn. I can smoke or grill on it and a bag of lump lasts forever with this thing. It has a few leaks around the lid but haven't had to modify it like I did with the barrel smoker. After ~2 years the gasket around the lid is starting to come off and the bottom half is discolored from getting too hot but it's still kicking. I made my patio out of textured pavers and I roll the grill around a lot, the Akorn works well for this. I wasn't sure about rolling a ceramic around with those flimsy looking stands they sell. I wish the cooking surface was bigger though, 2 racks of meaty baby backs barely fit on it and I've been thinking a lot about a 2nd grill lately.


              Nothing wrong with a second grill! Pit Boss Dave uses an Akorn too. He should be able to trade some techniques back & forth with you. Check out his Tip post in the Welcome category on how to fill out your signature. Enjoy The Pit!



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