Hey Ya'll, my name is Bill and I just found this site while searching for turkey smoking ideas. Decided what the heck, I need a membership to anyplace dedicated to BBQ and grilling. I've been grilling and smoking nigh on 45 years now but I'm never too old or too experienced to learn something so I'm anxious to see what is here. I currently smoke with a Masterbuilt 40" and grill with a DynaGlo Dual zone charcoal grill. I have a few small charcoals as well as a Coleman gas stove I won at an auction for $18 for camping. I love to cook for my friends and church and grill and smoke for them often. Looking forward to learning a lot.
Welcome to the Pit BillW ! We're glad you're here. Sounds like we can learn a thing or two from you too! Be sure to post about your cooks and include pictures. Have fun.
BillW, You are in the Right Place Now! Some of the People on this Site have One of Everything, Others stick to one Piece of Equipment and can cook anything on it! They all have in common being Good People! ðŸ‘ÂðŸ‘ÂðŸ‘ÂðŸ‘ÂðŸ‘Â. Welcome to The Pit! Dan
Hi, my name is Darrell. I'm an OTR truck driver for over 25 years. During my off time I love doing backyard cooks. I have a 48" Lang Deluxe smoker, Rec-Tec pellet smoker,1 Weber Genesis 330, 1 Weber Performer (blue), 2 Weber kettles (1 black and 1 Copper), 1 26" Weber kettle, a WSM, 8 Maverick Redi Chek thermometers, a PartyQ, 2 SnS, Grill Grates, Cast Iron grates, 1 ThermoPop (orange) and 2 ThermoPens (pink and orange) and planning on adding more cooking accessories. Now I have an Anova sous vide, the Dragon blower and 2 Chef alarms from Thermoworks.