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Hello from Delco

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    Hello from Delco

    Hey Everyone! I am new to smoking, bbq-ing, and everything in between. I look forward to purchasing my first smoker this Christmas. I will do my best to learn from all of you here and share my story along the way. #flyeaglesfly #weare #pennstate

    Welcome, good that you are reading up on smokers before buying unlike most of us who ended up here through screwups. Or maybe it's just me.


      Welcome from York, PA bhleigh from a fellow PSU and Iggles fan.

      _John_ - it's just you man. We all made the perfect choice in smokers right off the bat.



        Welcome, don't be like me and disappear for a while, keep coming around and you will never stop learning... actually I do come to Amazing Ribs often I just have not been on the forum much lately but I'm back


          bhleigh, Welcome To The Pit! You will find enough BBQ Info Here free for the asking for you to earn a Doctorate of Q Degree! First decision you need to make is what kind of fuel you want to use! The Choices include; Charcoal, Pellets, Gas, or Electric and perhaps others! Have Fun I use CharcoaL? 👍Dan


            bhleigh, Welcome to the pit. I think I have used every kind of fuel for cooking there is, I started out too many years ago to even say with charcoal then went to gas then to pellets and now I am trying to relearn charcoal and also trying to learn to cook with wood. The charcoal is going pretty good so far, wish I could say the same for the wood, lol. I need to post some photos of what I am doing but to be honest by the time the meat gets done and I have smelled it cooking all I want to do is eat so I forget the photos. It is hard enough for me to give the meat time to rest before I want to dig in. Hope your learn a lot and share your thoughts with everyone else. Bill


              Welcome to The Pit bhleigh! We're glad to have you here and thank you for the support. Look forward to helping answer any questions you may have.

              Since this is your first post, please check out our homework assignment post for new members, it contains a few how-tos and please-dos.

              Also, it's very important that you add the domain to your email safe list in case you are ever drawn as our monthly Gold Medal Giveaway winner!

              Hope to hear & see more from you!


                Welcome! Every approach works, and thy all have their up sides and down sides. I guess it all depends which upsides you want and which downsides you are willing to live with. Or, you can accumulate different grills and smokers for whatever mood you are in. I am tempted to do that, but with just my wife I can't convince myself. I've done everything except pellets, and now am focused on charcoal with a BGE. I some times cook on an 18" Weber at my son-in-law and a 26" at my son's. If I were just starting out I think I would get a 22" Weber and master smoking and reverse sear. Meathead has lots of pointers and plenty of guys in the pit use Webers. They will be more than wiling to give you tips.


                  Thank you all for the warm welcome. I am leaning towards charcoal/wood as the primary fuel source. I have a sawmill owner that regularly has oak, hickory, apple, cherry, pecan, and other scraps lying around that are mine for the taking.

                  Huskee - I did see the "homework". Its on the list of to-do's but I will get to it all.


                    bhleigh that's excellent that you have access to scrap wood like that. He has apple & cherry wood? What does he make that uses those? All the woods you mention are fantastic for a variety of meats, either lone or in combo.

                    What's your budget and your cooking capacity needs? If you're starting out, a 22" Weber kettle and a Slow'NSear is a budget conscious setup with excellent versatility from smoking whole 15lb packer briskets to searing steaks or brats for a quick cook. Total package price there ~$230-240.


                      Ditto to what Huskee said, and I'll add that the kettle/sns package is a great setup even if you have other grills. Fun to use, easy to use, versatile, and outstanding food!


                        Huskee my friend owns a portable sawmill and makes custom woodworking for homes, furniture, and other lumber projects. I live in a place where oak and cherry are abundant so he routinely gets a tree service to drop off the trees instead of paying a dump fee.

                        Thanks for the advice on the kettle. My budget is about $600-$1000 for the whole operation. I figure I would spend at least $200 on needed accessories (digital thermometer, gloves, tongs, charcoal chimney starter thingy, etc.) and the rest on the smoker itself.

                        I want to be able to cook enough ribs in one go for at least 15 people. if everyone it's half a rack, then that's room for 7-8 full racks. Brisket, Pork butt, turkey, chicken, and salmon are also on the list.

                        Keep the help coming!


                          Welcome to The Pit! I can see lots of fun coming for you real soon. Whatever unit you choose will be good. It seems as we move along in our BBQ lives we always find more equipment that we need. Yes you read it right--Equipment and Gadgets that we NEED! Good luck and have fun. Skip


                            welcome young man enjoy and most of all have fun we all seem to also it is a good place to find out what you need, and if what you want is really a good thing. spend good money on good stuff.
                            Last edited by Papa Bob; November 1, 2015, 02:36 PM.





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