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Hi from Phoenix Az!!!!

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    Hi from Phoenix Az!!!!

    Hello everyone, my name is Shawn and I live in Phoenix. I am a 41 year old Arizona native and have been cooking/grilling since I was a teenager. My first experience with smoking was doing veggies for salsa on an old weber kettle. I was perfecting my salsa receipe when I tried smoking the veggies. Not only did I impress the family and friends with this tactic, but I impressed the heck out of myself as well. After that, I started smoking everything I could on that weber!!! Now, I use a Primo Oval XL and love the efficiency of ceramic cookers. One chimney of lump charcoal will last through an entire 15 hour shoulder cook!!! I do miss my old weber though and have future plans to buy one and possibly make or buy a drum smoker. I put some pictures of some of my favorite things I like to smoke below.

    I recently built my own pool and turned my backyard into a mini oasis. I subcontracted all the work out instead of going through a pool builder. You can see my kitchen setup in the video below. When I retire, I plan on hitting the competition circuit and seeing how my Q stacks up with the best. Meathead, has been an inspiration and I have been using your knowledge for a couple of years now to improve. You and your staff truly have a great thing going here, I have all of my friends using the site for reference when they do their grilling/smoking. Everyone loves it and we commonly refer to it as "THE BIBLE". I look forward to seeing the development of this forum and participating as much as I can, ESPECIALLY watching the web seminars. Keep up the good work!!!

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    Last edited by Gumby6506; August 18, 2014, 10:50 PM.

    Shawn. Dude. I. Am. Speechless. Thatisflippinawesome.


      Oh yeah, and welcome to The Pit! Thanks for the nice words too. We have a good group of folks here and a great community of members. We look forward to hearing more from you in the future! Great colorful job on your signature!


        OH MY. Nice Gumby.


          Gumby it's good to see you in the intro section. Nice job on the Signature! and you did a bang up job working those sub contractors to make an awesome Oasis. We look forward to seeing more!


            Thanks guys, I took some time to learn how to use this forum and found that using a PC works soooooo much better than using my smartphone. Im still trying to find an app or something that makes using my smartphone easier but it seems like vbulletin wasn't made well for mobile devices. Thanks again for the welcome, I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys soon.
            Last edited by Gumby6506; August 19, 2014, 07:42 AM.


              Gumby: That gives a whole new meaning to the "Pit", I don't know if I could cook in an environment like that.
              Welcome from one Zonnie to another.


                Gumby: Here's a good source for somke wood: Berry Bros. 602-244-0000 5317 E washington, Phx.

                These Dudes have a great selection specially aged for cooking, ! stick to a truck load chunk/split log etc. CASH ONLY. I use Pecan mostly and buy the 2 cf bagged split logs ($20) then cut them down with a miter saw to the size I need, this pretty much fills a 30 gal container then I'm set for most of the year.(depending on how many friends come by just to "barrow" a chunk or five) :=)


                  Yeah my buddy got wood there recently and we split the cost. Looks like you can get anything there. Thanks for the heads up



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