Hello everyone, my name is Shawn and I live in Phoenix. I am a 41 year old Arizona native and have been cooking/grilling since I was a teenager. My first experience with smoking was doing veggies for salsa on an old weber kettle. I was perfecting my salsa receipe when I tried smoking the veggies. Not only did I impress the family and friends with this tactic, but I impressed the heck out of myself as well. After that, I started smoking everything I could on that weber!!! Now, I use a Primo Oval XL and love the efficiency of ceramic cookers. One chimney of lump charcoal will last through an entire 15 hour shoulder cook!!! I do miss my old weber though and have future plans to buy one and possibly make or buy a drum smoker. I put some pictures of some of my favorite things I like to smoke below.
I recently built my own pool and turned my backyard into a mini oasis. I subcontracted all the work out instead of going through a pool builder. You can see my kitchen setup in the video below. When I retire, I plan on hitting the competition circuit and seeing how my Q stacks up with the best. Meathead, Amazingribs.com has been an inspiration and I have been using your knowledge for a couple of years now to improve. You and your staff truly have a great thing going here, I have all of my friends using the site for reference when they do their grilling/smoking. Everyone loves it and we commonly refer to it as "THE BIBLE". I look forward to seeing the development of this forum and participating as much as I can, ESPECIALLY watching the web seminars. Keep up the good work!!!