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Metro Gnome here (a city smoker)

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    Metro Gnome here (a city smoker)

    Well, many thanks to Meathead and the AR crowd. I'm new to this business but at five hours into my first non-test cook things are looking and smelling great! We got an old Bar-B-Chef offset smoker off craigslist and it cleaned up well. First cook was a test to see how it holds temp and figure out the fueling requirements. Second cook today is two pork shoulders from Costco, dry brined 24hrs and dusted this morning before going on. Using a Weber wired probe thermometer for meat temp and the built-in dial for smoker temp. I'm using a mix of Kingsford and lump charcoal in alternating pre-lit batches. Smoker holds temp pretty well with the exhaust at 75% open and the intake varied from 5% to 100% depending on how spent the fuel load is. This thing is a bit leaky and eats fuel. Hopefully all goes well; family showing up later for a pickin'. Thanks again for all the advice and info. As an engineer I really appreciate the science discussions and testing rigor :-)

    Welcome Aboard metrognomicon


      Welcome to the Pit, You might want to check out the various modifications people have made to their offset smokers on this site. I use a COS (cheap)
      offset smoker that I have modified with fire brick, deflector pans for heat and for the chimney, this make both the heat in cooking chamber more uniform and easier to control the temperature and smoke. I can post pics if You would Like! Dan


        Thanks! I've been looking at some of the mods. Mine seems to have some of them designed in, like the chimney down to the grate and at least somewhat of a deflector plate. I think the biggest issue with it is the leakiness but I wanted to do a cook first and see how it turns out before making changes.


        • Danjohnston949
          Danjohnston949 commented
          Editing a comment
          That's a good idea! All you will be out is the time it might take to clean it up again! Dan



          Welcome to the pit.


            Welcome to The Pit metrognomicon! Glad to have you here. Glad you've figured out your 'new' cooker. Next assignment- signature!

            Since this is your first post, please check out our homework assignment post for new members, it contains a few how-tos and please-dos.

            Also, it's very important that you add the domain to your email safe list in case you are ever drawn as our monthly Gold Medal Giveaway winner!

            Hope to hear & see more from you!



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