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Greetings from Bob in Tucson

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    Greetings from Bob in Tucson

    Hi All,
    I've been using this website for some time and decided I needed to provide a little support by purchasing a subscription. Also, I'm getting into a new area, for me. I grill on a Napoleon gas grill and have turned out some pretty good ribs and brisket, but have one heck of a time getting good smoke and temperature control, so I decided to get a smoker. Now I need some help! I purchased a REC Tec RT-680, but have yet to set it up. If anyone has that smoker, tips would be appreciated. Another area is Rubs and sauces. I use Harry Soo's Slap yo Daddy rubs with good results, but have yet to find a sauce or recipe that I'm crazy about. Anyone have one, on the vinegar side but not full North Carolina, they care to share. I'm looking forward to learning a bunch from ya'll.

    Hey Bob... Welcome Aboard

    Thanks for doing your profile too... it really helps when we are trying to trouble shoot something for you.


      Thanks for the support Bob!!!

      Send me one of those Rec-tecs and I'll get you some feedback.


        Welcome to the Pit Bob.


          Bob, A guys gotta get up in his sleep if he is going to keep up with this crowd! Welcome to the Pit, Dan


            Welcome aboard! I have a low tech One Touch so I can't help you on the RT questions, but I can wholeheartedly suggest MH's Lexington Dip for a vinegar based sauce thats not quite as harsh as a true North Carolina style, and his SC Mustard Sauce is my all time favorited BBQ sauce period. His KC Classic is very tart and not as sweet and gloppy as the bottled stuff, there is always a bottle on hand in my fridge (I leave out the onions and garlic and just mix the other ingredients without cooking).


            BK5294 Welcome to the Pit!!! Dive in and have fun!!!


              you will be a pitmaster before you know it welcome to show and most of all have fun


                Hi Bob!


                  Belated welcome to The Pit BK5294! Thanks for you support! There are quite a few sauce recipes around here, both from Meathead and from other Pit members. I have a personal favorite I use, simple to make, takes about an hour to simmer is all- no straining. Called Huskee's Original Shawsh. It's a KC-style with a little more vinegar & black pepper kick than the standard and a slight, slight, citrus essence.

                  Since this is your first post, please check out our homework assignment post for new members, it contains a few how-tos and please-dos.

                  Also, it's very important that you add the domain to your email safe list in case you are ever drawn as our monthly Gold Medal Giveaway winner!

                  Hope to hear & see more from you!



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