Hi All,
I've been using this website for some time and decided I needed to provide a little support by purchasing a subscription. Also, I'm getting into a new area, for me. I grill on a Napoleon gas grill and have turned out some pretty good ribs and brisket, but have one heck of a time getting good smoke and temperature control, so I decided to get a smoker. Now I need some help! I purchased a REC Tec RT-680, but have yet to set it up. If anyone has that smoker, tips would be appreciated. Another area is Rubs and sauces. I use Harry Soo's Slap yo Daddy rubs with good results, but have yet to find a sauce or recipe that I'm crazy about. Anyone have one, on the vinegar side but not full North Carolina, they care to share. I'm looking forward to learning a bunch from ya'll.
I've been using this website for some time and decided I needed to provide a little support by purchasing a subscription. Also, I'm getting into a new area, for me. I grill on a Napoleon gas grill and have turned out some pretty good ribs and brisket, but have one heck of a time getting good smoke and temperature control, so I decided to get a smoker. Now I need some help! I purchased a REC Tec RT-680, but have yet to set it up. If anyone has that smoker, tips would be appreciated. Another area is Rubs and sauces. I use Harry Soo's Slap yo Daddy rubs with good results, but have yet to find a sauce or recipe that I'm crazy about. Anyone have one, on the vinegar side but not full North Carolina, they care to share. I'm looking forward to learning a bunch from ya'll.